Saturday, December 18, 2010

Allahu Akbar

[Source courtesy of Khalifah Klothing]

This is a beautiful lecture by Sheikh Navaid Aziz. Indeed innalilLahi wa inna ilaihi rojiun so tawassul with the magnificent names of Allah SWT :)

Monday, December 06, 2010

Ma'al Hijrah - 1432

Here's wishing the ummah a blessed Ma'al Hijrah 1432 which falls on 7 Dec 2010. May we continue to uphold and preserve the Islam prescribed by Allah SWT and the true and complete teaching of our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW, insya Allah ameen ya Rabbal 'Alameen :)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Islamic Economics & The Idea of "Unlimited Wealth"

[Source courtesy of Sheikh Abdul Halim Abdul Karim]

AlhamdulilLah, I attended a talk by Sheikh Abdul Halim on 28 Nov and what I took away from this talk is the need to operationalise the Tawhidic paradigm fully in one's life.

To be committed to submit and subject oneself to pattern one's life in accordance to the will of Allah SWT seems like a daunting task for many especially if there is confusion at the level of knowledge, confusing terminologies prescribed by the Western and/or Secular worldview with that of Adeenul Haq. What Sheikh did was to highlight the comparison in the effort to create an awareness of the need to seek clarity especially at the level of definitions.

Truly the evil in duniya lies in its quality to distract us, nauzubillah! One have to be mindful in differentiating between illusion and illusory - there is neither real scarcity nor abundance; only problem with availability and distribution... as a result of man's greed.

Indeed, mankind needs to be more al-Ghaniy (devoid of needs) but of course in another sense, we are all in need of Allah's mercy and redha, making us Faqir, subhan Allah. Truly everything shall return to Allah Azza wa Jalla. Zuhud is not a term one knows but to embrace it as part of one's life, so do not despair and remain hopeful by perpetually seeking Allah's help for us to get there, insya Allah ameen ya Rabb.

Let me end this post with some beautiful verses and hadith shared by Sheikh Abdul Halim as a point of introspection:

Preoccupation with this world - "The Day of Judgment has come close, and mankind will only increase their desire for this Duniya (world), and they will only go farther and farther away from Allah." [Reported by al-Hakim, who declared this is hadith saheeh]

Hadith on wealth - "The plentiful i.e. the rich will be the lowest on the Day of Judgment, except he who distributed his money left and right i.e. at all times, while he earned from pure means." [Reported Ibn Majah, et. al. Al-Busayri: This is hadith saheeh]

Life of Duniya is temporary - "And coin for them the similitude of the life of the world as water which We send down from the sky, and the vegetation of the earth mingleth with it and then becometh dry twigs that the winds scatter. Allah is Able to do all things." [QS al-Kahf: 45]

Hereafter is better, more enduring - "He is successful who groweth. And remembereth the name of his Lord, so prayeth, but ye prefer the life of the world although the Hereafter is better and more lasting." [QS Al-Ala: 14 -17] 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Adab in Islah and Da'wah - Start with Understanding Concepts

Subhan Allah, it is true what Sheikh Abdul Halim says about truly understanding definitions and concepts in Islam in order to operationalise one's life with yaqin (conviction). And it is always a great pleasure to sit with my beloved uncle to discuss about Islam (had the opportunity yesterday over Idul Adha's gathering).

He shares the video above (it is in Malay and this is the Part 1 of 8), including the reference book used in the video, as I shared my concern about researching about the concept of Bid'ah. He also urges me to read al-Adab al-Mufrad al-Bukhari, alhamdulilLah.

In all fairness (always have good opinion of people is mum's advice to me), his advice is to view all 8 parts of the video before making an informed decision about the hujah. Similarly, if one views the debate Part 1 of 7, view all 7 parts to be fair to both speakers.

Truly, Islam is Syumul - although your niat and amal ibadah is between you and Allah SWT (hablu minalLah), we live in a community whereby our actions and deeds are visible and sometimes followed by others unknowingly (while our niat is not visible to them).

It is a great responsibility for us to align our niat with our amal and extend ihsan to the Ummah (hablu minanNas) for when we die, 3 things will continue to benefit the dead- doa of his or her child who is soleh, benefit of charity in one's lifetime and beneficial 'ilm (have we conveyed beneficial i'lm throughout our lifetime? Point of introspection). Wallahualam bissawab.

Afternote: It is true what Ustaz Zhulkeflee says that Islam seems foreign when it was revealed and till the end of time, it will still be seen as foreign but that does not mean one should feel pressured to not reveal the Truth, subhan Allah. It is better to be seen as weird but upholding the Truth (Haq) then be accepted by the majority but lives in bathil (am reminded of sirah RasululLah's Isra' and Mikraj). Hence, seeking 'ilm is essential to lead one to the Straight Path and convey the message with hikmah (wisdom). Truly Islam is beautiful and high in adab :)

Friday, November 12, 2010


"And do not kill yourselves. Surely, Allaah is Most Merciful to you."  [QS an-Nisaa: 29]

Anas (B. Malik) reported Allah's Messenger SAW as saying: "None of you should make a request for death because of the trouble in which he is involved, but if there is no other help to it, then say: O Allah, keep me alive as long as there is goodness in life for me and bring death to me when there is goodness in death for me".
[Hadith Muslim #6480]

The Prophet SAW said, "Whoever purposely throws himself from a mountain and kills himself, will be in the (Hell) Fire falling down into it and abiding therein perpetually forever; and whoever drinks poison and kills himself with it, he will be carrying his poison in his hand and drinking it in the (Hell) Fire wherein he will abide eternally forever; and whoever kills himself with an iron weapon, will be carrying that weapon in his hand and stabbing his abdomen with it in the (Hell) Fire wherein he will abide eternally forever."
[Hadith Bukhari 7:670, Narrated Abu Huraira]

Subhan Allah, my heart weeps when I hear a fellow Muslim contemplates suicide, nauzubillah! Truly, this is a sign of one's level of iiman, 'ilm and taqwa. If you ever encounter such a situation, please get the person to say, "AstaghfirulLah wa atubu alaih" (May Allah have mercy on me and accept my repentance) 100 times a day, as was a sunnah of Prophet SAW. And when fearful, say "La ilaha ill Allah" (there is no deity but Allah). Read rulings on suicide here.

A note to myself: to be strong mentally, emotionally and spiritually when faced with such a tribulation and to counsel the ummah to the best of my ability... may Allah SWT guide me to the Straight Path, ameen ya Rabbal 'alameen.

Afternote: For those who abuse the oppressed, please reflect on the doa in the video as the doa of the oppressed is makbul. And may Allah saves us from the Hellfire by protecting us from such a situation, insya Allah, ameen ya Rabbal a'lameen.

Saturday, November 06, 2010


[Source courtesy from Huda TV]

Subhan Allah, Sheikh Yasir Qadhi outlined the ibadah for the first 10 days of Zhulhijjah. May our deeds be accepted by Allah Azza wa Jall, insya Allah ameen ya Rabbal 'alameen :)

Friday, November 05, 2010

Fiqh Muslima

AlhamdulilLah, Module 3 will commence on 20 Nov 2010 onwards. I'm looking forward to this, insya Allah!

Friday, October 01, 2010

Lifelong Learning

[Source courtesy from Sheikh Abdul Halim]

It is wajib (compulsory) for Muslims to continue seeking 'ilm (knowledge) and AlhamdulilLah, the courses I've been attending will resume lesson, starting with Fiqh and Muslimah today =)

I also recommend that my brothers and sisters in Islam to consider enrolling in Worldview of Islam (Tasawwur Islam) as it provides the Ummah with the right framework to operationlise one's life, like a compass, see the world through Islam's lenses, which is prescribed by Allah SWT and taught by our beloved RasululLah SAW =)

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Kitab at-Tawheed

A fellow Muslim asks me how do one know if the 'aleem ulama one is following is the authoritative imam. This question is not new; I've had similar experience earlier in life when I was searching for the truth (Haq)... sometimes what one 'aleem says contradicts another, which resulted in the seeker of knowledge confused especially if one is a convert or revert, nauzu billahi min zaliq.

Indeed, it boils down to one's intention (niat) when seeking 'ilm. Allah SWT will show the way to the truth as one continues to persevere and strive towards tawheed. Truly, all 'ilm comes from Allah Azza Wa Jalla.

The above video is the first part of a series of talks by Sheikh Yasir Qadhi on Kitab at-Tawheed. Listen to a series of audio lectures on the same here. Or grab an explanation of Kitab at-Tawheed here.

In short, it is about adab - putting the a'leem, the false leaders, the seeker of knowledge, the 'ilm from Allah SWT and most importantly, the Almighty, in their proper places.

A tip Mum and Ustaz taught me is to hear out the a'leem with good opinion (don't be too quick to judge, allow the a'leem to complete his piece... be mindful to maintain the unity of the Ummah). For areas which cast doubt in your heart (it could be the whispers of Shaytaan), go back and research on those areas and verify if it is aligned to the Quran and Sunnah. And if you stll have doubts after that, seek clarification (not confrontation) with the same a'leem and others (for second opinion).

Afternote: It is obligatory (wajib) to seek the truth from authoritative sources when in doubt especially in matters relating to Fiqh as one will be held accountable for all actions and deed pertaining to amal ibadah. May Allah SWT protect us from the Hellfire, ameen ya Rabbal a'lameen.

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Challenges for Modern Muslims

Subhan Allah. Just as I've been asked questions about challenges for the modern Muslims, I found a series of talk by Sheikh Yusuf Estes that provide answers to the questions, alhamdulilLah.

Part 1 which I've shared here is on a sensitive topic about celebrating birthdays (the credit should rightly go to one's mother, subhan Allah!). View part 2 here and further elaboration here on the sun calendar vs.lunar calendar and the origin of candles from the Celtic or Majusi religion.

Afternote: For a change, commemorate one's birthday by offering beautiful doa for one's mother when prostrating to Allah Azza wa Jalla and expressing one's gratitude by being a better daughter or son with each year to one's age. In Islam, every day should be Mother's Day :)
7 wonders of the Muslim World?

Was watching this video via Discovery Channel with my lil nephews who came visiting their grandma today. They may not understand what is happening; therein lies the beauty - the opportunity for me to pitch the content at their level, prick their inquisitive nature to understand and appreciate what Islam is all about. After all they are only 2 and 5+... too young but not too young to start progressive tarbiyah. Go and view the 8 series of the video via youtube :)

Afterthought: This may be the 7 wonders defined by the Westerners, Muslims may have our own interpretation but it was a commendable effort nonetheless... at least they did not say that Prophet Muhammad SAW introduced Islam, instead it existed during the time of Prophet Abraham AS :)

Friday, July 16, 2010

Hadith Riyadhus Solihin - 16 Jul 2010

"O ye who believe! Ward off from yourselves and your families a Fire whereof the fuel is men and stones, over which are set angels strong, severe, who resist not Allah in that which He commandeth them, but do that which they are commanded." [Surah at-Tahrim: 6]

AlhamdulilLah. Ustaz Rahmat completed Chapter 38 on "Urging one's kith and kin to Obey Allah and refrain from evils". Truly, tarbiyah (discipline training) and proper upbringing of kids are essential in order for them to be good citizens of this world and the Hereafter.

Which is why Islam is beautiful - kids are encouraged to pray starting from the age of 7 and they have 3 years to 'play act' on it such that when they reach 10 years old, it would become second nature and a routine in their daily life. It is the amanah (responsibility) of the parents to consistently provide the fundamental religious knowledge and be good role models in practice. Help your kids help themselves in the long run.

Afternote: To bring one who is lost back to the straight path is to encourage him or her to start praying regularly. If one truly contemplates on the surah al-Fateha alone... it is enough to make one humble, grateful for all the ni'mat bestowed upon him or her and to seek help only from Allah SWT. InnalilLahi wa inna ilaihi rojiun (We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return).

Friday, May 28, 2010

Hadith Riyadhus Solihin - 28 May 2010

AlhamdulilLah, Ustaz Rahmat completed Chapter 37 - Spending favourite things for Allah's sake. Ustaz demonstrated examples via sirah of our beloved Prophet SAW and his generosity... how he (pbuh), together with his family and companions led a simple life full of barakah, subhan Allah. I'm reminded of the advice to always give what you like best to others and not vice versa. That is a sign of a truly sincere and generous heart.

Afternote: Ustaz invited the Ummah to contemplate on how fortunate our lives currently are and if we are truly grateful by way of elevating our ibadah to the Creator, Allah Azza wa Jalla and by way of our contribution to our Ummah.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Women and Fiqh - 22 May 2010

"Say, (O Muhammad, to mankind): If ye love Allah, follow me; Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful." [Surah ale-Imran: 31]

AlhamdulilLah, Ustaz Ghazali covered Chapter 6 of Kitab Da'wah Mahabbah, Ustaz touched on special and privileged place the following have in the eyes of Allah SWT and our beloved Prophet SAW - those who love Allah SWT and love others for the sake of Allah Azza wa Jalla, mothers exhibiting unconditional love, those who experienced death of a beloved child, widows and the poor.

What I took away from this session is the need for wives to make managing the household a priority in life versus seeking ilmu (if the husband can provide the Islamic guidance needed), going to work, doing their own business, etc. Truly, the status of a wife and mother is placed high in an esteemed position in the eyes of Islam, subhan Allah.

Afternote: I'm instinctively reminded of mum's advice - to forgive and forget for the sake of Allah SWT. Yes it is not easy to do but if you have good opinion of people and put your trust in Allah (tawaqal ilalLah) and believe in the Day of Judgment, you'll be at peace with things that come your way... ridha, subhan Allah.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Philosophy of Islamic Ecnonomics - 19 May 2010

[Source courtesy from]

AlhamdulilLah, tonight Sheikh Abdul Halim covers the history of moneyhistory of bankingfractional-reserve banking and the importance of understanding the true Islamic banking and economics.

One will soon realise that without 'ilm (knowledge) in this era of fitan, some 'islamic banks' are actually "wolves in sheeps' clothing", as rightly pointed by Sheikh Imran Hosain in the video above.
Tafseer Al Quran - 19 May 2010

[Source courtesy of Muslim Research and Development Foundation, UK] 

AlhamdulilLah, Ustaz Rahmat Jumaat explained the significance of Ar-Rahmaan and Ar-Raheem. When the two names are recited in succession in the Quran, their usage clearly declares the ultimate Authority and Power of Allah, glory to Him, for example in Surah al-Baqarah: 163, Surah Fussilat: 2, Surah al-Hashr: 21.
Ar-Rahmaan describes the One endowed with Mercy that extends to all of the creations in this world and to the believers in the Hereafter, demonstrating the need for the Ummah to believe in Allah's ihsan while Ar-Raheem describes the One endowed with Mercy that extends to only the believers on the Day of Judgement - this being the understanding of the jumhur Ulama' (majority of the scholars i.e. Mujtahid).

In short, when one consistently recites isti'-aatha, basmalah (including Ar-Rahmaan and Ar-Raheem), one consciously declares full submission to Allah SWT, whose attributes are exclusively His as The Almighty! ... A truly a humbling experience when recited with full conviction.

I'm looking forward to the next lesson where Ustaz will go into the details of the 7 ayat of Surah al-Fateha. Meanwhile, read more about the Tafseer of Surah al-Fateha here and view the video above on the first of seven parts of Tafseer surah Al-Fateha.

Afternote: In conversations with peers at work or with friends, sometimes one will hear as to why the rich and wealthy are disbelievers. To me, I believe in the phrase "Amma yaf'al, amma yaf'alu" - truly Allah SWT Knows best. Our purpose on earth is temporal while the final destination is the Hereafter. Tauqid asma wa as-sifat requires one to believe and submit to all of Allah's traits without question. Thus, to be truly monotheistic, one must not only worship God alone in one's prayer (outward tawhid al-ibada) but one must have the correct knowledge (tawhid ar-rububiyya), the correct understanding (tawhid al-asma wa as-sifat), and the correct motivation (inner tawhid al-ibada). Wallahualam bissawab.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Islamic Concept of Adab - 15 May 2010

AlhamdulilLah, Ustaz Zhulkeflee felt the need to cover the topic of Taqlid tonight, which I agree is essential in preserving the unity of the Ummah. View his slides here.

What I took away is that one cannot taqlid without the conviction that the amal ibadah one does supports the true Aqeedah. In Islam, there is consensus when it comes to Aqeedah while there are differing opinions on matters relating to Fiqh. It is obligatory to seek 'ilm and have yaqin when doing an ibadah coz truly one will be accounted for all his/her deeds in the Hereafter.

Subhan Allah, I also have a deeper appreciation for the aleem ulama for their selfless and tireless dedication in striving to attain the deep knowledge and judiciously conveying it in a manner that greatly benefit the ummah in our times.

Allow me to also share the first of a series of 14 videos by Sheikh Abu Yusuf Riyadh Ul Haq. He explains at great length the importance of following one of the Mujtahid Imams (i.e. a Madhab), its basis, and dispels a lot of the contemporary misconceptions about Taqlid, subhan Allah!:

Afterthought: I'm constantly reminded by mum to have good opinion of people. The Prophet SAW said, "Avoid suspicion, for suspicion is the gravest lie in talk and do not be inquisitive about one another and do not spy upon one another and do not feel envy with the other, and nurse no malice, and nurse no aversion and hostility agains...t one another. And be fellow-brothers and servants of Allah." [Hadith Muslim 6214]... Truly there is adab in giving Islah, doing it with hikmah (wisdom)
Women and Fiqh - 15 May 2010

"And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and be modest, and to display of their adornment only that which is apparent, and to draw their veils over their bosoms, and not to reveal their adornment save to their own husbands or fathers or husbands' fathers, or their sons or their husbands' sons, or their brothers or their brothers' sons or sisters' sons, or their women, or their slaves, or male attendants who lack vigour, or children who know naught of women's nakedness. And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment. And turn unto Allah together, O believers, in order that ye may succeed." [Surah an-Nur: 31]

AlhamdulilLah, Ustaz Ghazali covered Chapter 5 of Kitab Da'wah Mahabbah. He continued with women's honour and nobility through the sirah of the wives of our beloved Prophet SAW and we will benefit from snippets of these noble ladies - Khadijah Ummul Mu'minin, Aisyah RA, Fatimah az-Zahra RA, Ummu Salamah RA, Zainab RA, women from Quraisy, etc.

Afternote: With the kids immersed in the pop culture of today, I do wonder will I make a good enough mum who will steer the kids to the right path and instil in them a love for Islamic living, the true tamaddun (civilisation) that the Ummah desperately needs. May Allah SWT protects us from the Hellfire, ameen ya Rabb.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Fardh Ayn - 14 May 2010

"...This day have I perfected your religion for you and completed My favour unto you,
and have chosen for you as religion AL-ISLAM. Whoso is forced by hunger,
not by will, to sin: (for him) Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. [Surah al-Maeda: 3] 

[Source courtesy of Ustaz Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail]

AlhamdulilLah, besides providing tips on how to counter critics about the Oneness of Allah SWT, Ustaz Zhulkeflee further elaborated on the shahadahtain, specifically where the Ummah bear testimony on the oneness of Allah SWT and that Prophet Muhammad SAW is the seal of prophethood.

"Say, (O Muhammad, to mankind): If ye love Allah, follow me; Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. Say: Obey Allah and the messenger. But if they turn away, lo! Allah loveth not the disbelievers (in His guidance)." [Surah Ale Imran: 31-32]

Ustaz briefly outlined the Sirah of our beloved Prophet SAW from his birth till his last sermon. To know is to love so it cannot be mere lip service, so follow through one's conviction through practice and conduct, exemplified by our beloved Prophet SAW.

Allow me to share the first video of a series of 18 lectures by Sheikh Yasir Qadhi on the sirah of the Exemplar beyond compare (SAW). You can also download "Stories of the Prophets" from The Deen Show:

[Source courtesy of Peace TV]
Hadith Riyadhus Solihin - 14 May 2010

"Say: If your fathers, and your sons, and your brethren, and your wives, and your tribe, and the wealth ye have acquired, and merchandise for which ye fear that there will be no sale, and dwellings ye desire are dearer to you than Allah and His messenger and striving in His way: then wait till Allah bringeth His command to pass. Allah guideth not wrongdoing folk." [Surah at-Tawbah: 24]

AlhamdulilLah, tonight Ustaz Rahmat started muqaddimah on Chapter 37 on "Spending favourites things for Allah's sake".

A constant reminder to myself to be zuhud and to love another for the sake of Allah SWT. Reflecting on the sirah of our beloved Prophet SAW, his family and his companions, I'm encouraged to live a life void of wastage surrounded by a secular community that consciously or sub-consciously supports consumerism, a way of life (millah) synonymous with the Western Worldview.

Also, a test of one's true obedience towards, love for and submission to Allah Azza wa Jalla is to give away what one loves for oneself to others. May Allah SWT guide us to a life of barakah, ameen ya Rabb.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Philosophy of Islamic Economics - 12 May 2010

"Lord of the East and the West; there is no God save Him; so choose Him alone for thy defender" [Surah al-Muzzammil: 9]

Tonight's lesson was on Islam and Globalisation, whose definition of 'Globalisation' is separate from the Western Worldview. Subhan Allah, Islam is truly a universal religion that transcends all borders. I agree with Sheikh when he said that the common denominator for our Ummah is Islam and to be part of this privileged 'membership' is a great ni'mah (gift). Indeed, when the Ummah come together from a variety of nationality, race and culture to ta'kruf and learn from each, therein lies Allah's wisdom:

"It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces to the East and the West; but righteous is he who believeth in Allah and the Last Day and the angels and the Scripture and the prophets; and giveth wealth, for love of Him, to kinsfolk and to orphans and the needy and the wayfarer and to those who ask, and to set slaves free; and observeth proper worship and payeth the poor-due. And those who keep their treaty when they make one, and the patient in tribulation and adversity and time of stress. Such are they who are sincere. Such are the God-fearing." [Surah al-Baqarah: 177]

Truly, Islam is for all mankind - inclusivism (a religion for all) and exclusivism (the final revelation). Then, Islamic Economics is a regulated system about just distribution of resources benefitting all i.e. not to be at the mercy of any corporations. In essence, Islam advocates fair trade. I'll end this post by sharing an article on fairtrade here.

Afternote: This quote sticks in my head - "A decent provision for the poor is the true test of civilisation", subhan Allah.
Tafseer Al Quran - 12 May 2010

Subhan Allah. Ustaz Rahmat started the lesson by highlighting that if one reflects on Surah al-Fateha and Surah An-Nas, it indeed come full circle - the importance of being consistent in one's tauhid to avoid shirk.

Ustaz continued from the previous lesson on "Basmalah", all the ulama agreed that it is part of the Quran. Read this for opinions if "Basmalah" is part of surah al-Fatihah. [Source: Tafseer ibn Kathir]

Nonetheless, in the case of solat, Ustaz Rahmat reinforced that it is wajib (obligatory) to recite the "Basmalah" in one's solat whether individually or in a jemaah (congregation) - jahar (loud and clear) or sir (for one's hearing only). Read this for the detailed explanation. [Source: Tafseer ibn Kathir]

Also, allow me to share the first part of a series of 5 lectures on Tafseer Bismillah:

[Source courtesy of]

From the perspective of Aqidah, a muslim is constantly in need of Allah's barakah (blessings) and when one does ibadah, with the sincere intent that it is for the love of Allah Azza wa Jalla, he will be rewarded (so constantly have the right intent in all that one does and begin with "Basmalah"). As part of adab, it is incomplete to say "Bismillah" (In the name of Allah). Instead, recite "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" (In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, Most Merciful).

With the recital of the "Basmalah", one is to leave arrogance and cultivate humility, which is rightly so, as he is preparing to 'face' and submit to Allah SWT, his Creator. Ustaz pointed out that "Allah" is used because it is the exclusive name for Islam's rabb, in it entails the many beautiful and magnificent attributes of the Creator, subhan Allah.

I benefited tremendously from this article on "Bismillah & Its Blessings" and urge you to have a read. It may be 30-page long but its clarity in explanation will strengthen your conviction and create a mindfulness in your mind's eyes to always start your amal ibadah with "Basmalah", insya Allah.

Afternote: Indeed Islam is a simple and straightforward religion. Truly seeking Allah's barakah (blessings), forgiveness, safeguarding one from angels of Jahannam, etc, is so easy, if only we knew, subhan Allah! :)

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Islamic Concept of Adab - 8 May 2010

"And lower unto them (parents) the wing of submission through mercy, and say: My Lord! Have mercy on them both as they did care for me when I was little. [Surah al-Isra': 23]

[Source courtesy of Islamic Media]

As I share this video by Sheikh Shady Al-Suleiman on "Respecting the parents", I'm constantly reminded to recite the above dua in my daily prayer. Truly, The Prophet SAW mentioned that 3 things continue to benefit a Muslim even after death - charity which he had given (which continues to benefit others), beneficial knowledge which he had left behind (authored or taught), and supplication on his behalf by a righteous child (narrated by Saheeh Muslim). May Allah SWT accepts my dua for my beloved parents, ameen.

"Show gratitude to Me and thy parents: to Me is thy final goal." [Surah Luqman: 14]. Truly, Allah is pleased with one when he has pleased his parents - "And serve Allah. Ascribe nothing as partner unto Him. (Show) kindness unto parents... Lo! Allah loves not such as are proud and boastful." [Surah an-Nisa: 36].

Ustaz Zhulkeflee elaborated on one's adab towards his/her parents and it starts by being shukur (showing gratitude to Allah SWT and one's parents) and he outlines the 3 criteria of being grateful. In my humble opinion, this is an important point. Being grateful to one's parents makes him grateful to Allah SWT and ungratefulness to them is ungratefulness to Allah SWT. One who does not prove to be thankful to his parents, he is lacking thankfulness to Allah SWT, nauzubillahi min zaliq!

Among the emphasis on pleasing one's parents, Ustaz outlined one's adab to parents vs. the acts of disobedience. Truly, among the major sins is disobedience to parents. Narrated by Abu Bakar RA - Our beloved Prophet SAW said, "Shall I inform you of the greatest sins?". We the companions said, "Certainly, O messenger of Allah!" He (SAW) said: "Associating anyone with Allah, disobedience to parents". [Source: Bukhari & Muslim].

View this video for impact. I personally feel that when one's parents are pleased with him, they will freely make beautiful dua, as highlighted by the video, coz truly the dua and zikr of believing parents are mustajab (accepted), ameen. Similarly, the danger when one's parents (mother-in-law included) are displeased, what is uttered in their hearts and speech out of that displeasure will be accepted, nauzu billahi min zaliq.

Ustaz also covered how one can ta'dib (teach and nurture) their young kids. This is essential especially since we are relating to the relationship schema and both sides of the same 'coin' are provided guidance. View Ustaz's slides here.
Other good references which I benefitted from include:
 Afternote: Subhan Allah. Islam is indeed a beautiful and straightforward religion. It is not hard to gain barakah from Allah SWT if only one knows the blessing of taking care of one's parents. What I took away from the lesson was also the need to be mindful that the way Muslims engage their parents shall be different from the millah of the Westerners especially since we are a minority living in a secular community. May Allah SWT grant us all the knowledge to understand Islam and its principals and the taufeeq to be well mannered towards our parents and all parents, insya Allah. Ameen.
Women and Fiqh - 8 May 2010

"O ye who believe! .... consort with them (your spouse) in kindness, for if ye hate them it may happen that ye hate a thing wherein Allah hath placed much good." [Surah an-Nisa: 19]

Ustaz Ghazali concluded Chapter 4 of the previous lesson with these 2 ayat -

"... Therefore make peace between your brethren and observe your duty to Allah that haply ye may obtain mercy." [Surah al-Hujuraat: 10]

"And of His signs is this: He created for you helpmates from yourselves that you might find rest in them, and He ordained between you love and mercy. Lo! herein indeed are portents for folk who reflect." [Surah ar-Rum: 21]

What I took away from Chapter 4 is that in essence, Islam is rightfully conveying this reality (haq) that insan, by design, have imperfections and have tendency to forget. It is the magnificent wisdom and mercy of Allah SWT the Creator, the Perfect, such that the Ummah learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses (which demonstrates Allah's greatness in His diverse Creations). And for those who contemplate, be grateful to Allah Azza wa Jalla for tests on this earth (Allah has already caution us that our family, wealth, work, etc are but tests). So to my married sisters, thank your husband and kids for the 'tests' as they will bring you closer to Allah SWT; To hate attributes of Allah's creation indicates the lack of gratitude to the Creator, nauzu billahi min zaliq!

This emphasises the beauty of Islam, wherein there is no love before marriage, as advocated by the paradigm of the West (dating, inter-mingling between the non mahram could lead to fitnah and open gates to other greater sins). If one really ponder on this, the beauty in marriage is the process of getting to know one another after one is halal to his/her spouse. Shouldn't that be the real excitement which is more long-term vs. knowing A to Z about a person before marriage, then where is the fun post akad nikah?

Ustaz then continued with Chapter 5, "Honour and Dignity of Muslimah" from the kitab Da'wah Mahabbah Vol. 2.

"... Bedizen not yourselves with the bedizenment of the Time of Ignorance. Be regular in prayer, and pay the poor-due, and obey Allah and His messenger. Allah's wish is but to remove uncleanness far from you, O Folk of the Household, and cleanse you with a thorough cleansing." [Surah al-Ahzab: 33]

He emphasised that sufur (not covering one's aurat) and tasyabbuh (mirroring the millah of the Jahiliyah or 'ignorant' e.g. tabarruj) meant that a muslimah's role model shall not be from the West, rather look to our beloved's prophet's family who are rightfully our best exemplars. There are etiquettes Allah SWT taught the wives of the Prophet SAW and Muslimah are required to follow their example, these commandments are applicable to all Muslim women. [Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Vol 3, p.83].

Some critics may say that the context in which they lived and in which we live is different. Saying this is dangerous as one is implying the lack of wisdom and greatness of Allah SWT. Truly, it is one's lack of 'ilm (knowledge)... so seek knowledge with the 'Aleem so that one reduces one's ignorance.

When asked if there is a good book I can refer to, he recommends, "Jati diri wanita Muslimah" by Dr Muhammad Ali Al-Hasyimi. The book (in Malay) covers the relationship schema between a Muslimah with her Rabb, herself, her parents, her husband, her kids, her family/relatives, her neighbours, her friends, and her community. AlhamdulilLah, coincidentally I found podcasts (in Malay) on lectures based on the book here.

Afternote: I'm constantly reminded of mum's advice to truly acknowledge that Islam is syumul (complete with all the hukum or law clearly outlined for those who reflect). There is no need to look else where if only one realise that the Islamic paradigm and worldview is disticnt from the Western worldview and knowing this gives one the peace of mind to operationalise one's life accordingly. May Allah SWT be pleased with us, ameen!

Friday, May 07, 2010

Fardh Ayn - 7 May 2010

AlhamdulilLah, I've to agree with Ustaz Zhulkeflee when he said that although I've had the privilege being a born Muslim and was taught the basics of Fardh Ayn, I need to get re-acquainted with this essential knowledge at a deeper level to deepen my conviction towards total servitude to Allah's will.


Ustaz started the class by highlighting that Islam's definition of Ad-Deen is different from conventional perspective, it comes from the root word "Daana" (owe allegiance, be indebted) as in "Dainuunaa" (last judgment) and "Maddanna" from "Tamaddun" (civilisation).

It is clear that as vicegerent of this earth, just like our forefathers from the time of Prophet Adam AS, we are endowed with hukum taklifi (accountability) so we have to have syukur (feeling of indebtedness) for every second that Allah SWT breathe roh (life) into us, something we take for granted, among other things like the functioning of our 5 senses, the roof over our head, etc.


"The Religion before Allah is Islam (submission to His will): nor did the people of the Book dissent therefrom except through envy of each other, after knowledge had come to them. But if any deny the Signs of Allah, Allah is swift in calling to account." [Surah ale Imran: 10]

I've learnt that al-Islam is a proper noun, revealed from Allah SWT to Adam AS, established by previous Prophets which culminated to Prophet Muhammad SAW, the seal of prophethood.


"And strive in His cause as ye ought to strive, (with sincerity and under discipline): He has chosen you and has imposed no difficulties on you in religion; it is the cult of your father Abraham. It is He Who has named you Muslims, both before and in this (Revelation); that the Messenger may be a witness for you, and ye be witnesses for mankind! So establish regular Prayer give regular Charity, and hold fast to Allah! He is your Protector― the― Best to protect and the Best to help!" [Surah al-Hajj: 78]

Muslims are the ones who submit or willingly surrender to Allah's will. We are neither Muhammadans nor Mussalaman, unlike Judaism whose name originated from Juda/Jacob or Christianity whose name originated from Christ (Christos, Hebrew for Messiah).

"They say: "Become Jews or Christians if ye would be guided (to salvation)." Say thou: "No! (I would rather) the Religion of Abraham is True, and he joined not gods with Allah." [Surah al-Baqarah: 135]

Allah is also a proper noun in the Arabic language, a name which denotes the One and Only God, the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe, with countless attributes beyond compare as outlined by the 99 attributes (image) above.

Origin of Kaabah

[Source courtesy of Ustaz Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail]

What interests me most was when Ustaz shared the sirah on the origin of the Kaabah, the sirah of Prophet Ibrahim AS, how his firstborn, Prophet Ismail AS is the lineage where Prophet Muhammad SAW originated from (the genealogy can be traced eighteen generations back) while his second born, Prophet Ishak AS is the lineage where the Bani Israel originated from such as Prophet Ya'qub AS, and Prophet Yusuf AS, Prophet Musa AS and Prophet Isa AS. And in their prophecies, they mentioned the "awaited prophet", e.g.:

"The LORD said to me (Musa): What they say is good. I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers; I will put my words in his mouth, and he will tell them everything I command him. If anyone does not listen to my words that the prophet speaks in my name, I myself will call him to account. But a prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything I have not commanded him to say, or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods, must be put to death." [Deuteronomy 18: 17 - 20]

Ustaz also touched on the sirah of Prophet Noh AS (the flood of Noah has wiped out the original Kaabah and it was rediscovered during the time of Prophet Ibrahim AS, subhan Allah!). I was touched by the dua by Prophet Ibrahim after he built the Kaabah - "Our Lord! Accept (this service) from us. Truly! You are the All-Hearer, the All-Knower. Our Lord! And make us submissive unto You and of our offspring a nation submissive unto You, and show us our Manasik (all the ceremonies of pilgrimage – Hajj and ‘Umrah), and accept our repentance. Truly, You are the One Who accepts repentance, the Most Merciful. Allah, accept all our deeds from us and multiply our rewards. Truly, You and Only You are the Al-Samee’, Al-’Aleem."


Ustaz ended the lesson by touching on the changing point on earth i.e. the Qiblah, from Jerusalem (Israel) to Kaabah (Mecca). Can't wait for the next lesson where Ustaz will talk about the history of purifying Mecca with the birth of our beloved Prophet SAW :)
Hadith Riyadhus Solihin - 7 May 2010

AlhamdulilLah, Ustaz Rahmat has just completed Chapter 36 on Sustentation of the members of the family.

Truly, there is greater reward (baraqah) for a Muslim spending his wealth for things that are classified as fardh (obligatory), such as providing for the need of his wife and children including their food and clothes first before others. Doing so with the intention that it is an act of servitude for the love of Allah SWT, he will be rewarded accordingly; The negligence of which is such a great sin that if a person is free from all other sins, this one alone will be enough to make him accountable before Allah, subhan Allah.
Islam's glory in Spain

Learn the truth. This video is about 1 hour 42 minute long but it is worthwhile as it describes the glorious Muslim Moors in what is now Spain (formerly known as al-Andalus). Such forgotten history must be remembered. May this video instil a strong sense of Islamic identity in us and reinstate our conviction in glorious Islam, ameen!

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Quality of Ummah

[Source courtesy of Al Maghrib Institute]

Sheikh Navaid Aziz, as he unfolds the sirah of the last few days of our beloved Prophet's life, he outlined the legacy of Prophet SAW, so that we keep them in mind as we go about our daily lives:
- do not worship the Prophet SAW the way the Christians worship Jesus AS i.e. grave worship (tawhid)
- fear the day every individual willl return to Allah SWT i.e. reinstate honour, purify self on earth
- honour convenant (agreement) by holding on to al-Quran and Sunnah (straight path in era of fitan)
- hold on to your solat and that which your right hand posses i.e. zakah (consistency to purify oneself)
- die in the hope to meet Allah SWT (have hope in the mercy of Allah SWT)

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Philosophy of Islamic Economics - 5 May 2010

AlhamdulilLah, Sheikh discusssed Riba (Usury), Gharar (Doubtful or uncertain risk) and Maisir (Gambling) with the class. He started with Al-Amr bi al-Ma’ruf wa al-Nahy ‘An al-Munkar (inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong) and this particular duty is profusely mentioned in the al-Quran and al-Sunnah. Among the verses is when Allah says (translated as):

“And the believers, men and women, are protectors one of another: They enjoin what is good, and forbid what is evil; they observe regular prayers, practice regular charity, and obey Allah and His Messenger. On them will Allah pour His Mercy: for Allah is Exalted In power and Most Wise.” (Surah al-Taubah: 71)

In terms of Halal and Haram in Economics, he demonstrated by way of Surah An-Nisa: 29 - "O you who believe! Eat not up your property among yourselves in vanities: but let there be amongst you traffic and trade by mutual good-will: nor kill (or destroy) yourselves: for verily Allah hath been to you Most Merciful."

In terms of Riba' in the Quran, Surah Ar-Rum: 39 - "That which you lay out for increase through the property of (other) people, will have no increase with Allah: but that which you give for charity, seeking the Countenance of Allah (will increase): it is these who will get a recompense multiplied."

Many other evidences in the Quran rejects Riba' (usury) such as Surah Ale Imran: 130, Surah Al-Baqarah: 275 - 281. Reflecting on these and a hadith narrated by Ibn Majah - "RasululLah SAW cursed the one who receives, pays, witnesses and the one who documents Riba'" (Narrated by al-Darimi), I could not fathom how the Ummah can cooperate or participate in a system that propagates this and incur the curse of our beloved Prophet SAW? Anyway, read this article for details on Riba (I just learned that there is 70 segments of Riba', subhan Allah).

Gharar (doubtful or uncertain risk), in essence, happens when a party has no control over whether he can deliver what he is selling, when there is inadequate or inaccurate information, when there is undue complexity of the contract, and/or when the terms of contract is unclear. This article covers the permissible gharar and this article covers Business Financing in Islam.

Maisir (gambling) is a zero sum game as reflected by Surah al Maeda: 90-91 - "O you who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination― of Satan's handiwork: eschew such (abomination), that you may prosper. Satan's plan is (but) to excite enmity and hatred between you, with intoxicants and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of Allah, and from prayer: will you not then abstain?". Critics may claim that Maisir (gambling) is different from speculation. Read this article to find out the truth.

Afternote: Islam is truly a religion that advocates Social Justice, encouraging its Ummah to transact real value vs. perceived value so as to avoid creating liability for any party. I'm constantly reminded that the Ummah's aim on earth is to create wealth, not to accumulate wealth, subhan Allah. Indeed, what is the point of circumventing the law when Allah SWT is All-Knowing of what is planted in one's heart?
Tafseer Al Quran - 5 May 2010

AlhamdulilLah, after the Muqaddimah, Ustaz Rahmat started the lesson by highlighting that in the past, Al Quran came after iiman as the people of jahiliah slowly embraced Islam. Now, Al Quran came before iiman so Ustaz urged the Ummah to constantly ask for hidayah so that we can practice what Al Quran preaches, go about our ibadah for the love of Allah SWT.

Before reciting the pure verses of the Al Quran, the adab is to recite Ta'awwuz or Isti'aatha - A'uzu billahi minashaitanir rajim (I seek refuge in Allah from the outcast Satan). It is Mustahabb (loved) to recite the Isti’aatha before reciting the Qur’an: "And when you read the Qur’an make isti’aatha from the Satan." (coz Syaitan is ever present to distract the Ummah from constant ibadah to Allah SWT).

It is waajib (obligatory or compulsory) to say BasmalLah - BismilLahi Rahmani Rahim (In the name of Allah, Most Beneficent/Gracious, Most Merciful) - at the beginning of the Surah, except when reciting Sura at-Tawbah (also called Sura al-Bara’ah). As for Bismillah in the middle of the surah, it is up to the reciter to say it or not. [Source]

Afternote: It is maksum that the biggest enemy of the Ummah is Syaitan, since the time of Adam AS, Syaitan's refusal to obey Allah SWT to bow to Adam AS. Hence we need to recite Ta'awwuz then BasmalLah prior to reciting the Quran. Insan, as the name depicts, can be forgetful and easily swayed by the deceptive Syaitan but Allah SWT, with all the incomparable attributes, wants the Ummah to return to the Heavens hence the adab to recite these before reciting the Al Quran, subhan Allah.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Philosophy of Islamic Economics - 28 Apr 2010

"O ye who believe! Shall I show you a commerce (bargain) that will save you from a painful doom? You should believe in Allah and His messenger, and should strive for the cause of Allah with your wealth and your lives. That is better for you, if you did but know. He will forgive you your sins and bring you into Gardens underneath which rivers flow, and pleasant dwellings in Gardens of Eden. That is the Supreme Triumph." [Surah as-Saff: 10-12]

The class started with the brief definition of Islam as ad-Deen, with "Deen" coming from the root word "Daana" which means indebtedness, subhan Allah. Befitting as Sheikh Abdul Halim covered Muamalat (Law of Transaction and Trade), Investment and the Muslim as the Economic agent.

There was a comparison between free traders (regard 'voluntariness' as the chief component of justice) vs. fair traders (regard the expression of human dignity as the chief component of justice). If we take the angle of social justice, the latter wins (as it is closer to Muamalat!) - fair traders think that opening free trade even further would entrench trends of rich nations becoming richer and poor nations becoming poorer and that global prosperity cannot forget to include the immediate needs of those in the least well off group.

Then Sheikh covered the 5 basic principles of Investment - invest in a company that is halal (permissible), no guarantee of profits based on capital, no element of Gharar (uncertainty), no elements of Riba' and there should be mutual consent between the involved parties. In my humble opinion, it is a challenge to comply to all 5 principles of investment especially since earning a passive income (wealth accumulation) is not permissible vs. wealth creation per se.

What was important was the principles Muslim Economic agent have to adhere to and this can be summed up by Surah at-Tawbah: 59 and 111:

"(How much more seemly) had they been content with that which Allah and His messenger had given them and had said: Allah sufficeth us. Allah will give us of His bounty, and (also) His messenger. Unto Allah we are suppliants."

"Lo! Allah hath bought from the believers their lives and their wealth because the Garden will be theirs: they shall fight in the way of Allah and shall slay and be slain. It is a promise which is binding on Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur'an. Who fulfilleth His covenant better than Allah? Rejoice then in your bargain that you have made, for that is the supreme triumph."

Afternote: A note to me - Put your life in Allah's hands and ikhtiyar towards attaining His barakah, truly that is sufficient for you :)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Islamic Concept of Adab - 24 Apr 2010

In this lesson, Ustaz Zhulkeflee reminded the class about the Convenant and Tazkiyatul Nafs. He also outlined some blameworthy characteristics which a Muslim needs to purify oneself from - 'ujub (self-conceit), juhud (obstinancy or stubborness), kibr (arrogance), hasd (jealousy or envy), riya' (showoff), hub al-jah (love for status), hub ad-dunya (love of the world) and bukhl (miserliness).

Besides adab to oneself, one has to observe the adab of seeking ilm, truly there is a sequence based on priority. For example, learning Fardh Ayn should be at the top of one's list then Tawasuur Islam then Fardh Kifayah.

In Islam, there is also the adab of observing the instructional methodology in ensuring the knowledge is chunked into observable sections - Muqaddimat (Introduction) vs. Mukhtasar (Summary), Mufassal (Detail) vs. Mujmal (General), Khusussiya (Specilaised areas), Usool (Principles), Furu' (Branches), Manfa'at (Beneficial) vs. Ghayr Manfa'at (Not Beneficial), etc.

Last but not least, adab regarding seeking 'ilm to attain taqwah towards Allah SWT - sincere intention formulated in one's heart and mind, with clarity in purpose and action,  uttering in a language that one understands... all to eradicate ambiguity in our ibadah and servitude towards Allah Azza wa Jalla.
Women and Fiqh - 24 Apr 2010

"And of His signs is this: He created for you helpmates from yourselves that you might find rest in them, and He ordained between you love and mercy. Lo! herein indeed are portents for folk who reflect." [Surah ar-Ruum: 21]

Ustaz Ghazali covers chapter 4 of Kitab Da'wah Mahabbah on the etiquette between a married couple which starts from akad nikah until old age together - the need to have amanah (trust), amar ma'ruf nahi munkar, honesty and sincerity.

The class enjoyed it when Ustaz shared sirah of RasululLah SAW on how he was a romantic husband full of compassion and mercy. Coincidentally, you can view a series of talk by Imam Suhaib Webb on Youtube entitled "Mothers Of The Believers" - Khadijah RA, Sawda RA, Aisyah RAHafsa RA, Zaynab K. RA, Hind (Um Salamah) RA, Zaynab J. RARamlah RA (Um Habiba), Rayhana RA, Safiyya RA, Maria RA, Maimoonah RA, or read about them here.

Through the stories shared, the ladies are encouraged to emulate the roles played by these best of examples. May Allah SWT be pleased with us :)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Philosophy of Islamic Economics - 21 Apr 2010

[Surah at-Taghabun]

As I reflected especially on ayat 13 to 18 of Surah at-Taghabun, I took away from tonight's lesson the need to remain consciously zuhd - Imaam Ibn Al-Qayyim, may Allaah have mercy upon him, defines zuhd as: "Zuhd is abandoning what does not bring about benefit in the Hereafter. Wara' is abandoning what you fear will have consequences in the Hereafter. This statement is one of the best and most comprehensive definitions of Az-Zuhd and Al-Wara'."

Surrounded by material wealth thick in the midst of a society that embraces consumerism blindly, it seems like a challenging task. Nonetheless, with what little knowledge I gained from Tawasuur Islam (alhamdulilLah), I reflect on the sayings of Sayidinna Ali RA and it is coming full circle for me - that if you worship Allah SWT out of your love for Him, this is indeed the worship of free and noble men, subhan Allah.

It makes perfect sense to be close to Allah SWT as outlined by Surah ar-Rad: 26 - "Allah enlargeth livelihood for whom He will, and straiteneth (it for whom He will); and they rejoice in the life of the world, whereas the life of the world is but brief comfort as compared with the Hereafter."

There may be critics who say that life of luxury is not wrong. Yes, it is not Haraam and one has a choice to be in this world or of this world (detachment vs. indifference)... truly Allah SWT dislike those who live in excess, blind to the needful. And one's self-worth is not based on one's possessions but tawakal alalLah (true conviction that all in the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah Azza wa Jalla). I end with this nice post by Abdal-Hakim Murah which Sheikh shared with us on a warning we should heed.

Afterthought: I'm constantly reminded to be more conscious when buying what I need vs. what I want, how I dispose off my hard-earned income to the rightful as I continue to seek Allah's barakah in all that I do, insya Allah. Truly all that I have in my hand is but a 'loan' from Allah SWT and it is my amanah to spend it in the way which pleases Him. May Allah SWT protect me, my family, future generation and Ummah from the Hellfire, ameen ya Rabbal A'lamiin.
Tafseer Al Quran - 21 Apr 2010

Ustaz Rahmat continues Muqaddimah by cautioning the ummah that harfiah (translating the quran word for word) is haram in Islam as there are linguistic conditions to be adhered to by scholars of tafseer and hadith al-Quran. In essence, tafseer (translation) is different from Qiraat (literal reading) of the al-Quran so it does not mean that one who knows the arabic language can do tafseer. Truly there is Manhaj Tafseer (Methodology in Tafseer)  i.e. Usool al-Tafseer.

Usool al-Tafseer refers to the branches of knowledge necessary for providing an accurate interpretation of the Quranic texts, such as Arabic grammar and syntax, Arabic literature and Quranic sciences (Uloom al-Quran). Familiarity with modern fields of learning, like the pure sciences and social sciences is also necessary for a commentator in this era to make the Quraanic explanations relevant to human society...hmm suddenly I feel so insignificant for not knowing so much, subhan Allah!

Ustaz also covers the 4 faces of tafseer which I've posted in my blog under Fiqh al-Quran and Hadith on 20 Apr 2010 :)

Afternote: He reinforces that all 'ilm belong to Allah Azza wa Jalla (Haq mutlaq) [Surah al-Baqarah: 255 i.e. Ayat-ul-Kursî].

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Fiqh in Quran and Hadith

AlhamdulilLah, I benefited from yet another great lecture by Sheikh Riyadh ul Haq. This is part 1 of a series of 10 lectures:

[Source courtesy of Halal Da'wah Records]

Abdullah ibn Abbas, the scholar and sage of the entire Ummah and the interpreter of the Holy Quran, said that the Quran has 4 categories of tafseer (understanding):
1. a part of it can be understood by all even if they do not know hukum
2. a part of it can be understood by those fluent in Arabic language
    (note that Modern Standard Arabic differs alot from the Classical Arabic of the Quran)
3. a part of it can be understood by only the Aleem 'Ulama
4. a part of it can be understood by only Allah SWT

Truly, one cannot detach the Quran from the Hadith and is encouraged to seek the authoritative Aleem 'Ulama to help in correctly interpreting the revelation.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Islamic Concept of Adab - 17 Apr 2010

"Hath there come upon man (ever) any period of time in which he was a thing unremembered? Lo! We create man from a drop of thickened fluid to test him; so We make him hearing, knowing. Lo! We have shown him the way, whether he be grateful or disbelieving." [Surah al-Insan: 1-3]

Islam encourages mankind to seek 'ilm in order to know what good deeds are and what bad deeds to avoid in order to elevate one's iiman through the right ibadah and nurture one to become ummatan wasotan (justly balanced). Truly, Islam nurtures its ummah to be good citizens of the earth. Hence, the first ayat revealed to our beloved Prophet SAW was "Iqra'" or "read" [Surah al-Alaq: 1-5], which shows that seeking 'ilm holds high regard in Allah's eyes - not just take the info as is but contemplate or reflect on why it is such or what is the deeper underlying message.

As we seek 'ilm, be mindful that it comes from the Creator and constantly be grateful for the 'ilm bestowed upon us. This is the concept of Mahmudah vs. Mazmumah (Syukur with ni'mat vs. Kufur with ni'mat bestowed upon one).

Actually in this lesson, Ustaz outlines how a student learns (input - process - output) and the preparedness of a student before one seeks 'ilm as well as the difference between data, information and 'ilm.

But what is essential is the inner preparedness of the student to unlearn, learn and relearn i.e. to have the right aptitude in one's pursuit of 'ilm - have an ingenious acumen, fervent desire, patient perserverance, sufficient sustenance, guidance of an authoritative teacher and set aside right length of duration in seeking 'ilm (do not be impatient, truly impatience and arrogance are traits of Syaitan).

Many surah in the Al Quran urge one to suppress the nafs and avoid corruption or maksiat as 'ilm from Allah SWT is nur (light) and it will not be given to those who are disobedient or kufur.

Afternote: Sometime we hear teachers lament why some rebellious students are so 'dumb'... I wish that instead of uttering negativity or putting the students down by calling them 'gone case', it is better for us to doa for them. May Allah SWT bestow them with hidayah coz that is our obligation, to take care of the ummah. WalLahualam bissawab.
Women and Fiqh - 17 Apr 2010

"And of His signs is this: He created for you helpmates from yourselves that you might find rest in them, and He ordained between you love and mercy. Lo! herein indeed are portents for folks who reflect." [Surah al-Room: 21]

Ustaz Ghazali covers chapter 3 of Kitab Da'wah Mahabbah on the husband's responsibilities over his wife. Besides the basic provision of food and clothes, a husband is also required to teach his wife about Fardhu Ain, Aqidah and Tauhid and ensure that his wife and kids observe adab in social engagement and cover their aurat. I benefited from the open and frank exchange.

He concluded the session by sharing the story of how RasululLah SAW chose Ali Ibn Abu Talib to marry Fatimah Zahra. From this story, it is clear that - “Men choose women for four reasons: for their money, for their rank, for their beauty and for their religion, but marry one who is religious and you will succeed” (Bukhari, Muslim).

I'd recommend my dear sisters in Islam to download "Winning the heart of a wife" and share it with our brothers in Islam :)

Friday, April 16, 2010


Subhan Allah, this is the first part of a series of 9 videos where Sheikh Riyadh ul Haq explains the causes of disunity of the Ummah and what we can do and the attitude we should have:

[Source courtesy of Halal Da'wah Records]

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Philosophy of Islamic Economics - 14 Apr 2010

Reflecting on the words of The Last Sermon (above) really brought home a lot of pointers, among which, we are all one family and as a family, we have the amanah to take care of each other. More importantly, we are to collectively fight whispers of Syaitan and refrain from doing small mischief which could lead to bigger mischief (truly all 'ilm belongs to Allah SWT and Allah Azza wa Jalla Knows what is best for us so sami'nah wa ato'nah and refrain from being like the Jews who think that they can circumvent the rules ordained by Allah SWT... oh how wrong were they). And that there is truly no new faith after Islam (the religion is complete) so hold firmly to the Quran and Sunnah (as these will save you from the Hellfire), subhan Allah.

In class, Sheikh Abdul Halim outlines the true definition of ownership rights in Islam. The contemporary thinker of Islamic Economics, Dr Monzer Kahf has good articles on this topic. Indeed, Islam is so beautiful. It is not interested in wealth accumulation (deem as a selfish act), rather it is welfare-driven and advocates wealth creation (no such thing as passive income coz truly productivity is synonimous with barakah) so that there is no idleness, non-utilisation or wastage of resources provided by Allah SWT.

From the Western Worldview's discussion on human nature, behavioural economics (based on prospect theory which in my opinion is unethical as the speculation is centred on the self-interest of the seller i.e. to make a profit) claim that man is irrational in his buying pattern as such there are opportunities to manipulate such buying behaviour. In Islam, man is the most superior creation by Allah SWT - "Surely We created man of the best stature" [Surah at-Tin: 4] - who has the fitrah saleemah and the faculties to reason and ikhtiyar between a good and a better option in order to suppress one's nafs and purify one's soul in his ibadah to Allah Azza wa Jalla, subhan Allah!

The discussion on the price equilibrium was an interesting one as the question revolves around who sets the price and how is the price set. Indeed in Islam, we are not concerned with price equilibrium or profit maximisation, rather we advocate 'adl (justice) in ascribing economic value - "Give full measure, and be not of those who give less (than the due). And weigh with the true balance. Wrong not mankind in their goods, and do not evil, making mischief, in the earth. And keep your duty unto Him Who created you and the generations of the men of old." [Surah al-Shuara: 181-184]

In my humble opinion, in every deed that we do, the sincerity of our niat is key (purity of the soul for the love of Allah SWT). Truly, we do not exist for this world alone. Allow me to end this long post by sharing the following good reads:
- Economic justice: Islam versus capitalism by Dr Mohammad Malkawi
- Islamic economic system by Dr Muhammad Sharif Chaudhry
Tafseer Al Quran - 14 Apr 2010

Ustaz Rahmat Jumaat starts the class with recalling the previous lesson on how Islam spread to Persia, Rome,etc.

The Qur'an was revealed in seven ahruf, as is proved in many mutawaatir ahadith. This was because different tribes pronounced and spelled words differently. The forms matched the dialects of following seven tribes: Quraysh, Hudhayl, Thaqîf, Hawâzin, Kinânah, Tamîm and Yemen. The revelation of the Qur'an in seven different ahruuf made its recitation and memorization much easier for the various tribes.

1. To facilitate the memorization of the Qur'aan (as the arabs did not all speak arabic in the same way. The ahruuf eased the memorization and was significant in the preservation of the Qur'aan).

2. To prove the miraculous nature of the Qur'aan (for despite all the differences, the meaning of the Ahruuf did not contradict one another, but rather were complimentary).

3. To prove the truthfulness of the Prophet Muhammad , for despite the fact that he was illiterate, the revelation of the Qur'aan occured in different tribal dialects and different words, all of which consisted of the most fluent and eloquent speech of his time.

4. To honour the ummah of the Prophet Muhammad and show its superiority over all other nations.

Then Ustaz briefly discusses Rasm Uthmani, the technical form of writing to symbolise meaning and 7 Qiraat, the linguistic reading technique.

Read more about the preservation of the Quran here.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Islamic Concept of Adab - 10 Apr 2010

Ustaz Zhulkeflee starts the class with a 15-minute halaqah (study circle). I like this idea as I get acquainted with other sisters and learn from what they took away from the previous lesson.

He then impresses upon us to ikhtiyar towards attaining Qist (equity or distributive justice, a higher order of adab) and to do this is to instil ihsan in one's heart and we have the ability to do this. As mentioned in Surah al-Araf: 172 about the convenant, Allah SWT has equipped mankind with fitrah saleemah, the ability to acknowledge and testify the oneness of Allah SWT.

And insan, by design, is forgetful so daily solat and constant zikr will remind one to fulfil the rights and responsibilities of a Muslim (hablu minalLah and hablu minanNas)... this is one's personal jihad, to submit fully to the will of Allah SWT - "When his Lord said unto him: Surrender! he said: I have surrendered to the Lord of the Worlds." [Surah al-Baqarah: 131]

In our daily solat and constant zikr, every surah and doa we recite provides an opportunity for us to be grateful to Allah Azza wa Jalla for the bountiful provisions, reaffirm our convenant and instill the will for us to suppress our nafs and mischief, subhan Allah. Truly, Allah SWT dislike mischief.

Ustaz also highlights that a good Muslim manages to successfully balance wisdom, justice, courage and purity and constantly ikhtiyar to seek 'ilm. On another level, it is also pressing for parents (ummatan wasotan) to nurture a child via tarbiyah and then ta'dib to ensure that he lives his life justly - "O you who believe! Ward off from yourselves and your families a Fire whereof the fuel is men and stones, over which are set angels strong, severe, who resist not Allah in that which He commandeth them, but do that which they are commanded." [Surah at-Tahrim: 6]

View the lesson's slides here.
Women and Fiqh - 10 Apr 2010

"Men are in charge of women, because Allah has made one of them to excel the other, and because they spend of their property (for the support of women). So good women are the obedient, guarding in secret that which Allah has guarded. As for those from whom you fear rebellion, admonish them and banish them to beds apart, and scourge them. Then if they obey you, seek not a way against them. Lo! Allah is ever High, Exalted, Great." [Surah an-Nisa: 34]

Ustaz Mohd Ghazali covers chapter 2 of Dakwah Mahabbah on the responsibilities of a wife to her husband as well as chapter 35 of Riyadhus Soliheen on the husband's rights over his wife. Download and read the comprehensive work by Dr. Al-Hashimi entitled "The Ideal Muslimah". May it be beneficial and inspiring, insya Allah.

Friday, April 09, 2010

Surah al-'Asr

AlhamdulilLah, as Sheikh Abdul Halim and Ustaz Mohd Ghazali highlighted this surah in class, I also found a video of Brother Abu Hamza who lectures about the tafseer of Surah al-'Asr.

In my humble opinion, this Surah is essential to the well-being of the Ummah (and why this blog is named accordingly). Following up from Surah al-Fateha, this surah reinforces Tazkiyah (Purification of the soul), the need to have the belief in the power and wonder of Allah SWT, perform righteous works, encourage each other towards the Haq (Truth) and encourage one another to Sabr' (Patience). To do these, one needs to seek 'ilm. Truly, niat + amal = ibadah for the love Allah SWT.

Afternote: One can never tell when is his or her last breath. And if one can constantly introspect and ikhtiyar to improve on his or her own akhlaq and behaviour, he or she will naturally be a role model to others; Leave the judging rightfully to Allah SWT. Truly, this is the best way to approach da'wah.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Tafseer Al Quran - 7 Apr 2010

In today's class, Ustaz Rahmat Jumaat talks about adab in reciting the Quran. In my humble opinion, this book outlines the Etiquette with the Quran.

Ustaz also touched on the history of recording and compiling the Quran during the time of Sayidinna Abu Bakar RA and Sayidinna Umar RA. This was done with the intent to preserve the wahyu (revelation) of Allah SWT. Read the story of the Quran.

Afternote: I did not realised that there was 7 dialects of Arab i.e. The 7 Huruf, intended to make it easy for reverts to recite and reflect on the meaning of the ayat. The Quran however was preserved in lughra Quraisy. I have to admit, I'm beginning to enjoy Islamic history :)
Philosophy of Islamic Economics - 7 Apr 2010

Following up from the first lesson, this video highlights the dire need to live a halal living:

In Islamic Economics, it is not just about "I, Me and Myself", it comprises Shariah, Adl (Justice), Falah (Progress), man's relationship with 'Alm (Creation), Hablu minalLah (man's relationship with Allah SWT), Hablu minaNas (man's relationship with the rest), Ubudiyyah (Servitude) and Ummah (Community), subhan Allah. Islam is truly beautiful if we understand that we are custodian's of Allah's wealth.

On the contrary, the Western Worldview advocates Consumerism. This next video clip highlights that post World War 2, Victor Leibow, an economist and retail analyst said of US economy, "Our enormously productive economy ... demands that we make consumption our way of life, that we convert the buying and use of goods into rituals, that we seek our spiritual satisfaction, our ego satisfaction in consumption... we need things consumed, burned up, replaced and discarded at an ever-accelerating rate." .

He claimed that ultimately producing consumer goods through planned obsolescence and perceived obsolescence (designed for the dump) is the way to go... but findings later show that having more stuff does not equate to happiness even if we are constantly on the "work -> watch -> spend" treadmill... as we spend less time with what really matters. This article further reinforces that the Consumer culture is no accident.

Afternote: I recalled Sheikh Abdul Halim cautioning us during our Tasawwur Islam's class that although we live in a secular society, Muslims have a choice - to be part of the 'rat-race' or not to be the 'rat' at all, as our Islamic Worldview's paradigm is separate from Western Worldview, especially in defining sa'adah (happiness), subhan Allah.