Sunday, November 28, 2010

Islamic Economics & The Idea of "Unlimited Wealth"

[Source courtesy of Sheikh Abdul Halim Abdul Karim]

AlhamdulilLah, I attended a talk by Sheikh Abdul Halim on 28 Nov and what I took away from this talk is the need to operationalise the Tawhidic paradigm fully in one's life.

To be committed to submit and subject oneself to pattern one's life in accordance to the will of Allah SWT seems like a daunting task for many especially if there is confusion at the level of knowledge, confusing terminologies prescribed by the Western and/or Secular worldview with that of Adeenul Haq. What Sheikh did was to highlight the comparison in the effort to create an awareness of the need to seek clarity especially at the level of definitions.

Truly the evil in duniya lies in its quality to distract us, nauzubillah! One have to be mindful in differentiating between illusion and illusory - there is neither real scarcity nor abundance; only problem with availability and distribution... as a result of man's greed.

Indeed, mankind needs to be more al-Ghaniy (devoid of needs) but of course in another sense, we are all in need of Allah's mercy and redha, making us Faqir, subhan Allah. Truly everything shall return to Allah Azza wa Jalla. Zuhud is not a term one knows but to embrace it as part of one's life, so do not despair and remain hopeful by perpetually seeking Allah's help for us to get there, insya Allah ameen ya Rabb.

Let me end this post with some beautiful verses and hadith shared by Sheikh Abdul Halim as a point of introspection:

Preoccupation with this world - "The Day of Judgment has come close, and mankind will only increase their desire for this Duniya (world), and they will only go farther and farther away from Allah." [Reported by al-Hakim, who declared this is hadith saheeh]

Hadith on wealth - "The plentiful i.e. the rich will be the lowest on the Day of Judgment, except he who distributed his money left and right i.e. at all times, while he earned from pure means." [Reported Ibn Majah, et. al. Al-Busayri: This is hadith saheeh]

Life of Duniya is temporary - "And coin for them the similitude of the life of the world as water which We send down from the sky, and the vegetation of the earth mingleth with it and then becometh dry twigs that the winds scatter. Allah is Able to do all things." [QS al-Kahf: 45]

Hereafter is better, more enduring - "He is successful who groweth. And remembereth the name of his Lord, so prayeth, but ye prefer the life of the world although the Hereafter is better and more lasting." [QS Al-Ala: 14 -17] 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Adab in Islah and Da'wah - Start with Understanding Concepts

Subhan Allah, it is true what Sheikh Abdul Halim says about truly understanding definitions and concepts in Islam in order to operationalise one's life with yaqin (conviction). And it is always a great pleasure to sit with my beloved uncle to discuss about Islam (had the opportunity yesterday over Idul Adha's gathering).

He shares the video above (it is in Malay and this is the Part 1 of 8), including the reference book used in the video, as I shared my concern about researching about the concept of Bid'ah. He also urges me to read al-Adab al-Mufrad al-Bukhari, alhamdulilLah.

In all fairness (always have good opinion of people is mum's advice to me), his advice is to view all 8 parts of the video before making an informed decision about the hujah. Similarly, if one views the debate Part 1 of 7, view all 7 parts to be fair to both speakers.

Truly, Islam is Syumul - although your niat and amal ibadah is between you and Allah SWT (hablu minalLah), we live in a community whereby our actions and deeds are visible and sometimes followed by others unknowingly (while our niat is not visible to them).

It is a great responsibility for us to align our niat with our amal and extend ihsan to the Ummah (hablu minanNas) for when we die, 3 things will continue to benefit the dead- doa of his or her child who is soleh, benefit of charity in one's lifetime and beneficial 'ilm (have we conveyed beneficial i'lm throughout our lifetime? Point of introspection). Wallahualam bissawab.

Afternote: It is true what Ustaz Zhulkeflee says that Islam seems foreign when it was revealed and till the end of time, it will still be seen as foreign but that does not mean one should feel pressured to not reveal the Truth, subhan Allah. It is better to be seen as weird but upholding the Truth (Haq) then be accepted by the majority but lives in bathil (am reminded of sirah RasululLah's Isra' and Mikraj). Hence, seeking 'ilm is essential to lead one to the Straight Path and convey the message with hikmah (wisdom). Truly Islam is beautiful and high in adab :)

Friday, November 12, 2010


"And do not kill yourselves. Surely, Allaah is Most Merciful to you."  [QS an-Nisaa: 29]

Anas (B. Malik) reported Allah's Messenger SAW as saying: "None of you should make a request for death because of the trouble in which he is involved, but if there is no other help to it, then say: O Allah, keep me alive as long as there is goodness in life for me and bring death to me when there is goodness in death for me".
[Hadith Muslim #6480]

The Prophet SAW said, "Whoever purposely throws himself from a mountain and kills himself, will be in the (Hell) Fire falling down into it and abiding therein perpetually forever; and whoever drinks poison and kills himself with it, he will be carrying his poison in his hand and drinking it in the (Hell) Fire wherein he will abide eternally forever; and whoever kills himself with an iron weapon, will be carrying that weapon in his hand and stabbing his abdomen with it in the (Hell) Fire wherein he will abide eternally forever."
[Hadith Bukhari 7:670, Narrated Abu Huraira]

Subhan Allah, my heart weeps when I hear a fellow Muslim contemplates suicide, nauzubillah! Truly, this is a sign of one's level of iiman, 'ilm and taqwa. If you ever encounter such a situation, please get the person to say, "AstaghfirulLah wa atubu alaih" (May Allah have mercy on me and accept my repentance) 100 times a day, as was a sunnah of Prophet SAW. And when fearful, say "La ilaha ill Allah" (there is no deity but Allah). Read rulings on suicide here.

A note to myself: to be strong mentally, emotionally and spiritually when faced with such a tribulation and to counsel the ummah to the best of my ability... may Allah SWT guide me to the Straight Path, ameen ya Rabbal 'alameen.

Afternote: For those who abuse the oppressed, please reflect on the doa in the video as the doa of the oppressed is makbul. And may Allah saves us from the Hellfire by protecting us from such a situation, insya Allah, ameen ya Rabbal a'lameen.

Saturday, November 06, 2010


[Source courtesy from Huda TV]

Subhan Allah, Sheikh Yasir Qadhi outlined the ibadah for the first 10 days of Zhulhijjah. May our deeds be accepted by Allah Azza wa Jall, insya Allah ameen ya Rabbal 'alameen :)

Friday, November 05, 2010

Fiqh Muslima

AlhamdulilLah, Module 3 will commence on 20 Nov 2010 onwards. I'm looking forward to this, insya Allah!