Tuesday, September 16, 2008

In the Shade of Ramadhan 17

Sister Purmul sheds light on evaluating one own self for self improvement. She offers some practical steps of muhasabah (self evaluation).

[Source: MAS]

What I've learnt is that Muhasabah is deliberate self-evaluation and self-development process, which is tied to time and time management. Practical ways towards Muhasabah include:
1. During the daily prayer, during sujud is the best time to self-reflect
2. During istighfar, reflect on what we are repenting for

Bottomline is to have goals to:
1. Increase our spirituality
2. Increase our knowledge
3. Increase brotherhood/sisterhood
4. Increase islamic/community's activism
5. Increase family relationships
6. Improve our health

May we be among those who self-reflect and follow a bad deed with a good deed on a daily basis.

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