Thursday, September 11, 2008

In the Shade of Ramadhan 12

Imam Suhaib Webb talks about the close relationship with Allah that one can gain through making du'a. He discusses it's importance and it's power.

[Source: MAS]

What I learnt is that Dua is the essence of worship, sign of someone's sincere tauhid to Allah SWT. Allah is Al A'lim (the ONE who Knows) and As-Samiq (the ONE who Hears) and its better for us to recite our dua in a hushed tone. The beauty of dua is that Allah will listen to anyone who calls to Allah via his/her dua since He even listens to the dua of the Iblis. And there is no dua in the quran that starts with "Ya"...because its a sign that Allah is closer to you than you think so call upon Allah with your dua and Allah will answer you, insya Allah.

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