Monday, September 29, 2008

In the Shade of Ramadhan 30

Imam Suhaib Webb gives helpfull reminders of how to take the benefits of Ramadhan throught the entire year.
[Source: MAS]

What I've learnt is about the completeness of Taqwah and in the Quran, it is:
1. In relation to worship (ibadah)
2. In relation to daily actions (mu'amalat)

In summary, we need to apply At Taqwah in every aspect of our everyday life and be God-conscious. Have Taqwah wherever we go and follow-up a bad deed with a good deed and have the best manners when dealing with people of all race and religion.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

In the Shade of Ramadhan 29

The Guest Speaker, Mohammad Aftab Diwan discusses evaluating ourselves and our relationship with Allah in these last days of Ramadan.

[Source: MAS]

What I've learnt is that it is important to continually introspect and assess myself on a daily basis in order to secure my relationship with Allah SWT. In everything I do, am I pleasing Allah SWT? Will my salat be accepted? With hope and fear in our hearts, may we be blessed with the hereafter and in dunia, may we be a calmer community and live in a more serene environment, insya Allah.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

In the Shade of Ramadhan 28

Marwan Marouf talks about how the small things (good and bad) sometimes have a much larger impact than we may think.

[Source: MAS]

What I've learnt is that Taqwah means that we should constantly be watchful of Allah SWT. When we sin, we do not look at how minute the sin is, rather we look at the fact that we have sinned againts our Creator, the Maginificent! Vice versa, when we do hasanah or good deeds, we are dealing with the Al Karim, Al Syakur, Al Khaliq. We have 2 choices - the good or better deed; the bad deed is never an option for the true Muslim.

Friday, September 26, 2008

In the Shade of Ramadhan 27

Mohammad Aftab Diwan discusss the importance of forgiveness during this blessed month. He addresses seeking forgiveness from the Creator and forgiveness amongst ourselves.

[Source: MAS]

Aspects of forgiveness include:
1. Between the Creator and his creation
2. Between the creation

To be an exemplary man of Jannah as illustrated by Hadith Qudsi, we are encouraged to forgive and forget immediately or at least at the end of the day before we retire to bed. And always seek forgiveness and guidance from Allah SWT in everything that we do. May we be protected from the hellfire, insya Allah.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

In the Shade of Ramadhan 26

Guest Speaker Mohammad Aftab Diwan reminds us that worshiping Allah is not limited to the rituals of Islam. He tells about how anything we do can be an act of worship.

[Source: MAS]

What I've learnt is that worship/ibadah is not just the act of charity or salat. The criteria for worship include:
1. Must be beneficial
2. Cannot be haram
3. For the sake of Allah SWT

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

In the Shade of Ramadhan 25

Dr. Imad Bayoun continues his talk on optmism. He discusses how and why we should be optimistic of those around us and the situations we face.

[Source: MAS]

Aspects of optimism in others include:
1. Don't hold grudges
2. Learn active listening
3. Don't reduce people to their shortcomings
4. Think positively of others (benefit of the doubt)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

In the Shade of Ramadhan 24

Dr. Imad Bayoun reminds us that even with all that could be wrong, to be optimistic. He outlines some practical steps towards being optimistic about ourselves.

[Source: MAS]

What I've learnt is that having optimism helps us maintain our tranquility and the aspects of optimism include:

1. Optimism in oneself
Enjoying life, focus on oneself, set goals, be achievement-oriented, learn new things, use positive language or practise good speech.

2. Optimism with others (will be covered in subsequent vodcast)

3. Optimism with situations (will be covered in subsequent vodcast)

Monday, September 22, 2008

In the Shade of Ramadhan 23

Marwan Marouf discusses how doing good deeds benefits us not only in the hereafter but also in this world.

[Source: MAS]

What I've learnt is that Allah bestowed upon us rewards in the hereafter (Al Jannah) as well as here on earth (dunia) whenever we do good deeds (hasanat). The benefits of good deeds include:
1. Light (Nur) will enter the heart
2. The face will shine (with Nur)
3. The body will be strong
4. Others will love you
5. Wealth would increase

Sunday, September 21, 2008

In the Shade of Ramadhan 22

Sister Purmul discusses the importance of giving to those less fortunate than ourselves. She brings up the benefits for the those recieving the charity and those giving charity

[Source: MAS]

What I've learnt is that fasting is the shield against bad deeds and sadaqah is like water, extinguishing the sins. Allah SWT has promised that those who give in the way of charity, not only develops greater compassion for mankind but the amount used for charity is put on loan and would multiply and be returned to the donor in Al Jannah. Making sadaqah a part of our habit to improve our akhlaq allows us to detach ourselves from earthly material wealths. Having consistency in giving small amount is preferred versus once off large amount as we are encouraged to lead our lives in moderation.

Let's reap the benefits of charity:
1. Shaded by Allah SWT during the day of Judgment
2. Reckoning (hisab) becomes lighter
3. Scale (mizan)becomes heavier
4. Cross the path (As sirat) to paradise (Al Jannah)
5. Elevated your level in paradise (Al Jannah)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

In the Shade of Ramadhan 21

Sister Purmul reminds us that fasting is not only abstaining from food and drink. She discusses the sources of ill speech and how they can be countered.

[Source: MAS]

What I've learnt is that the one who does not leave false speech or false action, Allah SWT does not need anyone to leave his/her food and drinks. So backbiting could ruin our fast. 3 roots of ill speech are:
1. Not to be suspicious or not to spy (ill thoughts whispered by syaitan) so do not transgress your muslim brother/sister in thought or action

2. Unnecessary talking (cultivate good speech as there is no vain speech in Jannah)

3. Not intentionally practise good speech in regular conversation

May Allah SWT bestow upon us 'clean tongues' (good speech all the time), insya Allah!

Friday, September 19, 2008

In the Shade of Ramadhan 20

Dr. Imad Bayoun discusses the significance and importance of the last 10 nights of Ramadhan and laylatul Qadr (The Night of Power). He reminds us that it is not too late to begin or continue benefiting from Ramadhan especially in these last 10 nights.

[Source: MAS]

What I've learnt is that the Prophet SAW would focus on the last 10 nights (Iktikaf) to attain the Lailatul Qad'r, which usually happens on odd nights, most likely on the 27th night. If you encounter that night, say "Oh Allah, You are all Forgiving, You like to forgive so forgive me". So plan such that all your energy are focused to reap the barakah of this Ramadhan.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

In the Shade of Ramadhan 19

Marwan Marouf brings to light sometimes underappreciated verses of suratul Fatiha (The opening). He discusses it's importance and the many lessons and reminders that can be learned from this short yet powerful chapter that begins the Quran.

[Source: MAS]

What I've learnt is that Al-Fatihah (Umul Kitab) is the key to our Salat. It reminds us of:
1. The ni'kmat (bounty) of Allah Azza Wa Jallah (Alhamdulillah, thank you Allah)
2. Asma ul Husna (the magnificent qualities of Allah SWT)
3. The straight path we have to stay on (tauhid)
4. The Akhirat (there is a day we would be questioned, make no mistake about it)
5. The importance of Doa (guide us to the straight path; we seek your help)
6. The unity of this Ummah (only you we worship and we seek your help)
7. The concept of Ikhlas (ONLY you we worship and seek help; not anyone else)

And as we recite this surah in our Salah, we are having direct communication with Allah SWT as we thank Allah, we get a response, as we glorify Allah, we get a response and as we seek refuge in Allah, Allah says this affair is between Allah and us. If only we knew this, many would prostrate and supplicate to Allah SWT readily.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

In the Shade of Ramadhan 18

Sister Purmul reminds us to always remember Allah and His blessings.

[Source: MAS]

What I've learnt is that Dzikir is remembrance of Allah SWT. In times of need, we instinctively remember Allah and Dzikir, like the human heart is what water is to fish. Why? Because Allah is the Best protector and the Best to help us in all our affairs. When you remember Allah, Allah will remember you and on its own Dzikir extends this honour to us to be so close to our Creator. Only in the remembrance of Allah do hearts truly find rest. Subhan Allahi wa bihamdi Subhan Allahil A'zim.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

In the Shade of Ramadhan 17

Sister Purmul sheds light on evaluating one own self for self improvement. She offers some practical steps of muhasabah (self evaluation).

[Source: MAS]

What I've learnt is that Muhasabah is deliberate self-evaluation and self-development process, which is tied to time and time management. Practical ways towards Muhasabah include:
1. During the daily prayer, during sujud is the best time to self-reflect
2. During istighfar, reflect on what we are repenting for

Bottomline is to have goals to:
1. Increase our spirituality
2. Increase our knowledge
3. Increase brotherhood/sisterhood
4. Increase islamic/community's activism
5. Increase family relationships
6. Improve our health

May we be among those who self-reflect and follow a bad deed with a good deed on a daily basis.

Monday, September 15, 2008

In the Shade of Ramadhan 16

Sister Purmul discusses the benefits of reflecting on Allah and His creations.

[Source: MAS]

What I've learnt is that Ramadhan is the month for tafakkur (reflection) and muhasabah (self-evaluation). So reap the full benefits of this month which is full of barakah (blessings).

Sunday, September 14, 2008

In the Shade of Ramadhan 15

Marwan Maroud relates a hadeeth (saying) of RasululLah SAW describing what true bankruptcy is.

[Source: MAS]

What I've learnt is that a bankrupt from the Ummah, during the day of Judgment, would have to release his hasanah/rights to the person who he/she has wronged in life. And when there is not enough rights to take, the person who is wronged would put his bad deeds to the person who did the bad deed. Simply, its not worthwhile to fast and do Ibadah and at the same time do bad deeds to others. So Ramadhan is the time for forgiveness.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

In the Shade of Ramadhan 14

Marwan Marouf relates a hadeeth of Mohammad (sws) regarding setting a plan for our lives. He applies it to setting goals for Ramadan.

[Source: MAS]

What I've learnt is that the a hadith outlines the strategy of life:

1. Set goals in life (even in Ramadhan)

2. Set priorities (evaluate what is really worth it)

3. Aim high (enter the highest level of Al Jannah along with the Prophet SAW)

4. Indulge in As-Salah as it is in the sujud that one is closest to Allah SWT

Friday, September 12, 2008

In the Shade of Ramadhan 13

Marwan Marouf Discusses how our Iman shifts and changes before durring and after Ramadan. He offers advice on how to maintain an stabel Iman.

Source: MAS

What I learnt is that humans are expected to have natural ups and downs (flip flop) in our Iman. The month of Ramadhan is our opportunity to charge up our Iman. Ways to sustain our Iman at an expectedly high level are to:

1. choose the right friends (as our mirrors)

2. practice the rituals of Islam moderately (balanced according to the Sunnah)

3. learn about your deen (religion)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

In the Shade of Ramadhan 12

Imam Suhaib Webb talks about the close relationship with Allah that one can gain through making du'a. He discusses it's importance and it's power.

[Source: MAS]

What I learnt is that Dua is the essence of worship, sign of someone's sincere tauhid to Allah SWT. Allah is Al A'lim (the ONE who Knows) and As-Samiq (the ONE who Hears) and its better for us to recite our dua in a hushed tone. The beauty of dua is that Allah will listen to anyone who calls to Allah via his/her dua since He even listens to the dua of the Iblis. And there is no dua in the quran that starts with "Ya"...because its a sign that Allah is closer to you than you think so call upon Allah with your dua and Allah will answer you, insya Allah.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

In the Shade of Ramadhan 11

Imam Suhaib Webb discusses prayer as connection to Allah and highlights it's benefits

Source: MAS

What I learnt is that As-Salah literally is a connection; the heart is directly connected to Allah SWT through sound faith and Taqwah. The 5 times a day prayer is an opportunity for us to take a break from this life and flee to talk to Allah SWT as Allah is with us if we establish the As-Salah.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

In the Shade of Ramadhan 10

Imam Suhaib Webb discusses what taqwa is and about it's importance durring the month of Ramadan.

[Source: MAS]

What I learnt is that the goal of Ramadhan is prescribed for us to achieve Taqwa, to be aware and conscious of Allah SWT, being cautious and stay away from those that are haram.

1. Understand the concept of Taqwa - it is a shield from hell's fire and protection from punishment from Allah SWT and from plans of Syaitan

2. Practise individual exercises include having pure intentions for Allah SWT, abstain from those that is haram

3. Practise communal exercises include pray and dua as a community, charity, etc

In essence, its:

1. Less talk of dunia, more of Allah

2. Less hatred of others, more love

3. Less money for oneself, more money to noble causes

4. Less time wasting, more for Allah

Monday, September 08, 2008

In the Shade of Ramadhan 9

Imam Suhaib Webb discusses prescription for change.

[Source: MAS]

What I learnt is that Ramadhan gives us the opportunity to stop and reflect on our spirituality and let the world take a back seat i.e understand the purpose of our creation via the act of ibadah like fasting to increase our Taqwah. I like the ayat from the Quran 2:183 - "Allah prescribed Ramadhan as the antibiotic of Imaan to cure our spiritual ailments". Due to the fitrah in all of us, Allah SWT would not change what is in the people until they change what's within themselves.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

In the Shade of Ramadhan 8

Dr Imad Bayoon continues his discussion, this time on Acquiring Patience.

Source: MAS

What I learnt is that if you...

1. Know the nature of this life (hardships so be realistic)

2. Know that you belong to Allah SWT (innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rojiun)

3. Believe in the reward of Allah SWT

4. Use the dua of Allah (in dua, you call upon Allah for guidance in all qadar)

life would seem so much simpler and you would be at peace with everything, insya Allah.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

In the Shade of Ramadhan 7

Dr Imad Bayoon discusses patience in the month of Ramadhan

[Source: MAS]

What I learnt is that Patience was mentioned more than 100 times in the Quran, reinforcing its importance in Islam. There are 4 types of patience:

1. when facing hardship as decreed by Allah SWT with acceptance and patience, you'll get a reward from Allah)i.e. state of mind/heart,

2. when facing temptation i.e. state of environment around you,

3. in fulfilling the commands of Allah SWT,

4. in the path of the da'wah i.e. the benefit goes to the Islamic community (its never an easy job due to paradign shift/change)

Friday, September 05, 2008

In the Shade of Ramadhan 6

Marwan Marouf discusses the victories of Ramadhan.

[Source: MAS]

What I learnt is that alot of significant victories in Islam happened in the month of Ramadhan. Allah Azza Wa Jalla has created incentives that gates of Jannah are wide open and syaitan are chained, gates of hell are closed and reward for your good deeds are multiplied so that Muslims can go out to achieve victories, maximising your potential. The soul is nourished while the bodily habits take a back seat.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

In the Shade of Ramadhan 5

Dr. Imad Bayoon discusses the importance of cleansing ones soul/heart.

[Source: Muslim American Society, MAS]

What I learnt is that purity of the heart is the most important aspect in Islam because during Judgment Day, when nothing would help except those that have come to Allah SWT with a pure and righteous heart. So let go of grudges, hatred, envy, greed, and other disease of the heart for the love of Allah.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

In the Shade of Ramadhan 4

Marwan Marouf discusses the value of Ramadan and implimenting this value in our practicing the ibadah during Ramadhan.

[Source: Muslim American Society, MAS]

What I have learnt is that Ramadhan is a blessed, magnificent and generous month by Allah SWT as it is a month of mercy, compassion, patience... a month that would increase the 'income' of the muslim. It is a month of spiritual cleansing, we fill up and re-energise so that we can sustain our Iman for the following year. The challenge is, what are we gonna do to reap the benefits of Ramadhan?

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

In the Shade of Ramadhan 3

Marwan Marouf discusses keeping the end goal of Al Jannah (Paradise) in mind before starting Ramadan.

[Source: Muslim American Society, MAS]

What I learnt is that always keep the end in mind, Al Jannah. You may seem to deprive yourself of some of the joys on earth during Ramadhan but in Al Jannah, you will receive absolute reward from Allah SWT via Ar Ryan, insya Allah. In my humble opinion, the life in the Hereafter is way better.

Monday, September 01, 2008

In the Shade of Ramadhan 2

Marwan Marouf discusses the different types of fasting.

[Source: Muslim American Society, MAS]

What I learnt is that fasting is more than just abstain from hunger and thirst; your entire body, senses and heart are also fasting, sincerely for Allah Azza Wa Jallah.