Sunday, February 07, 2010

The Opening Chapter

It is our fitrah to affirm that every word of the Surah al-Fatihah is the compulsive voice of our syahadah. I was compelled to pick up this book - The Opening Chapter of the Quran: Surah Al-Fatihah by Mawlana Abdul Kalam Azad - about the Quranic concept of God, the role of Islam not as a new religious doctrine but as the reminder of the Divine Message proclaimed by numerous Prophets in different places and at different times. 

Surah al-Fatihah is referred to as Al-Kafia (the Sufficient), Asasul-Quran (the Basis of the Quran), Sab’a al-Mathani (the Oft-repeated 7), ’Umm-ul-Quran (the Core of the Quran). If one reads this Surah and grasps its true meaning, he, with the Grace of Allah SWT, will understand the essence of the Islamic Faith which forms the subject of detailed explanation in the Quran – the human devotion to God and all that it implies presented via 7 brief phrases, each of not more than 5 words, every word crystal clear and impressive. Every word reveals the great purposes which underlie the Deen (way of life) sponsored by the Quran, Subhan Allah.

According to Bukhari and Muslims, the Islamic form of prayer is incomplete without a recitation of this Surah – When one recites it in the daily prayers, it brings to mind, everyday, the substance of his beliefs and his program of righteous living. The prayer form helps to voice the inward condition of one who, in sincerity, invokes Allah SWT. During salah, Allah SWT will reply to us:

When one recites the first ayat and pauses, Allah SWT replies:
“My servant has praised me.”

When one recites the second ayat and pauses, Allah SWT replies:
 “My servant has extolled me.”

When one recites the third ayat and pauses, Allah SWT replies:
“My servant has glorified me.” 
(On 1 occasion, Allah SWT says: “My servant has submitted to My power.”)

When one recites the fourth ayat and pauses, Allah SWT replies:
“This is between Me and My servant and My servant shall have what he has asked for.”

And when one recites ayat 5 to 7 and pauses, Allah SWT replies:
“This is for My servant and My servant shall have what he has asked for.”

[Source: Hadith Qudsi]

Afternote: From Deen Show's Library, download The Spiritual Cure.  

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