Saturday, August 07, 2010

Kitab at-Tawheed

A fellow Muslim asks me how do one know if the 'aleem ulama one is following is the authoritative imam. This question is not new; I've had similar experience earlier in life when I was searching for the truth (Haq)... sometimes what one 'aleem says contradicts another, which resulted in the seeker of knowledge confused especially if one is a convert or revert, nauzu billahi min zaliq.

Indeed, it boils down to one's intention (niat) when seeking 'ilm. Allah SWT will show the way to the truth as one continues to persevere and strive towards tawheed. Truly, all 'ilm comes from Allah Azza Wa Jalla.

The above video is the first part of a series of talks by Sheikh Yasir Qadhi on Kitab at-Tawheed. Listen to a series of audio lectures on the same here. Or grab an explanation of Kitab at-Tawheed here.

In short, it is about adab - putting the a'leem, the false leaders, the seeker of knowledge, the 'ilm from Allah SWT and most importantly, the Almighty, in their proper places.

A tip Mum and Ustaz taught me is to hear out the a'leem with good opinion (don't be too quick to judge, allow the a'leem to complete his piece... be mindful to maintain the unity of the Ummah). For areas which cast doubt in your heart (it could be the whispers of Shaytaan), go back and research on those areas and verify if it is aligned to the Quran and Sunnah. And if you stll have doubts after that, seek clarification (not confrontation) with the same a'leem and others (for second opinion).

Afternote: It is obligatory (wajib) to seek the truth from authoritative sources when in doubt especially in matters relating to Fiqh as one will be held accountable for all actions and deed pertaining to amal ibadah. May Allah SWT protect us from the Hellfire, ameen ya Rabbal a'lameen.

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Challenges for Modern Muslims

Subhan Allah. Just as I've been asked questions about challenges for the modern Muslims, I found a series of talk by Sheikh Yusuf Estes that provide answers to the questions, alhamdulilLah.

Part 1 which I've shared here is on a sensitive topic about celebrating birthdays (the credit should rightly go to one's mother, subhan Allah!). View part 2 here and further elaboration here on the sun calendar vs.lunar calendar and the origin of candles from the Celtic or Majusi religion.

Afternote: For a change, commemorate one's birthday by offering beautiful doa for one's mother when prostrating to Allah Azza wa Jalla and expressing one's gratitude by being a better daughter or son with each year to one's age. In Islam, every day should be Mother's Day :)
7 wonders of the Muslim World?

Was watching this video via Discovery Channel with my lil nephews who came visiting their grandma today. They may not understand what is happening; therein lies the beauty - the opportunity for me to pitch the content at their level, prick their inquisitive nature to understand and appreciate what Islam is all about. After all they are only 2 and 5+... too young but not too young to start progressive tarbiyah. Go and view the 8 series of the video via youtube :)

Afterthought: This may be the 7 wonders defined by the Westerners, Muslims may have our own interpretation but it was a commendable effort nonetheless... at least they did not say that Prophet Muhammad SAW introduced Islam, instead it existed during the time of Prophet Abraham AS :)