Thursday, June 16, 2011

Al-Kafirun, The Unbelievers

As I read this article, I was reminded of Brother Nouman Ali Khan's in-depth analysis of QS al-Kafirun. The video may be an hour long, but its worth your time :)

[Source courtesy of Brother aliassad1]

Subhan Allah, am also reminded of Ummi's constant reminder to not be like those who are kufur ni'mat. Indeed, Ibn Taymiyah outlined the traits of an 'Abd (Servant of Allah) - obedience, love, trust, sincerity, comply to terms of worship and slavery (contract of Ubudiyyah). Wallahua'lam bissawab. I'll end this post with some doa Ustaz Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail has taught me in class...

"Our Lord! Make of us Muslims bowing to Thy (Will) and of our progeny a people Muslim bowing to Thy (Will) and show us our places for the celebration of (due) rites; and turn unto us (in Mercy); for Thou art the Oft-Returning Most-Merciful." (QS al-Baqarah: 2: 128)

"Our Lord! Give us good in this world and good in the Hereafter and save us from the torment of the fire!" (QS al-Baqarah: 2 : 201)

"Our Lord! pour out constancy on us and make our steps firm; Help us against those that reject faith." (QS al-Baqarah: 2: 250)

"Our Lord ! Condemn us not if we forget or fall into error; Our Lord! Lay not on us a burden like that which You did lay on those before us : Our Lord ! Lay not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear. Blot out our sins, And grant us forgiveness, Have Mercy on us. You are our protector : Help us against the unbelievers." (QS al-Baqarah: 2: 286)

"Our Lord ! Let not our hearts swerve from the truth after You have guided us; and bestow upon us the gift of Thy Grace (Mercy): verily, You are the (true) giver of Gifts (bestowals)." (QS Aali ‘Imran: 3 : 8)

"Our Lord ! Grant that our spouses and our offspring be a joy to our eyes, and cause us to be foremost amongst those who are conscious of Thee! (as ‘mut-taqqin’)." (QS al-Furqan: 25: 74)

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Science and The Meaning of Life from Islamic Perspective

[Source courtesy of Society for Bhagavata Culture]

AlhamdulilLahx3, was privileged to be invited to this 7 May 2011 talk and given the opportunity to observe, first-hand, how inter-faith dialogue was to be conducted by Sheikh Abdul Halim - with diplomacy, honesty, sensitivity and an open mind.

What I took away from this expreience include the need to spread the message by starting with clarity of concepts (the What from Islam's perspective), providing the opportunity for the audience to reflect on the 'So What?' to make an informed action or choice (Why Islam is 'Adeenul Haq by illustrating comparisons from Islam's Worldview and Wordlview of others... to do this, one needs in-depth inter-faith knowledge) and invite others to Islam with wisdom (the How... depending on the demographics and dynamics of the audience, the choice of words seems essential).

Upon further reflection, due to the time limitation of the talk... it seems incomplete to not mention that the key source of Authentic Knowledge and True Report is the Quran, a source Muslims rely upon given that RasululLah SAW was the Seal of Prophethood and after 124,000 prophets, Muslims still could turn to the Quran for divine guidance and the Sunnah for the way of life prescribed by RasululLah SAW. Also, a list of useful references would enable the audience to do further research about 'Adeenul Haq from the time of Prophet Adam AS to Prophet Muhammad SAW. Wallahu a'lam bissawab... Let me end this post: 

"There is no compulsion in religion. The right direction is henceforth distinct from error. And he who rejecteth false deities and believeth in Allah hath grasped a firm handhold which will never break. Allah is Hearer, Knower." [QS al-Baqarah: 2: 256]

"I exist therefore I am"... sounds familiar? Due to fitrah saleema, a true 'Abd (Servant of Allah) will feel humbled when reflecting or seeking essential answers to pertinent questions - The origin of life, The source of Creations, The Sustainer, subhan Allah!

May Allah SWT protect us from attributes of Iblis (arrogance)... insya Allah amiin Allahuma amiin. May Allah SWT also protect the Ummah, who is spreading the Truth, from harm's way and bestow His hidayah upon mankind..."O Allah, show us the truth as the truth and bless us with obedience (to it) and show us falsehood as falsehood and bless us to refrain (from it) with Your Mercy, O Most Merciful" ... insya Allah aamiin ya Rabb! :)

Afterthought: Recall the concept of Aynul Qalb when reflecting on the question of consciousness :)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Islam and Modernity

[Source courtesy of Sheikh Abdul Halim Abdul Karim]

AlhamdulilLahx3, following up from an earlier talk in 2009, this topic is essential, given the 21st Century discourse where some within the Ummah unwittingly question if Islam is even relevant today, nauzubilLah!

Sheikh Abdul Halim explained at length the concepts of Modernity and Secularism from Western Worldview and comparing them with Islamic Worldview, who the "Modernist" scholars are/were, and reinforced that 'Adeenul Haq is a progressive religion (progress defined from Islam's perspective of course!) that is complete and comprehensive (transcends time). It is incumbent upon us to correct our malformed Islamic Worldview or seek knowledge to adopt Islamic Worldview.

Indeed, the world is going through change upon change and if the Ummah hold on to the teachings of Islam (seek the right knowledge), it can guide us through these without us losing our identity while keeping our Islamic Worldview intact.

Upon reflection, this session enabled me to realise my shortcomings (naivety) in identifying who the "Modernist" Scholars are/were. Why you may ask? It is a grave concern for me as I'm worried that I may be unwittingly adopting the views of these Modernist! And I can't say enough about clarity in concepts as these build a strong foundation before we can pursue other tough questions. Wallahu a'lam bissawab.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Quranic Arabic Essentials

"And We have certainly made the Qur'an easy for remembrance" [QS al-Qamar 54:17]

AlhamdulilLah, the Ustazah outlined the essential points during the 25 Mar 2011 talk, which include blessings and benefit of Quranic Arabic knowledge as it is a constant reminder of Allah's miracles around us so that we put ourselves in the right place in the scheme of things as 'Abd (Servants of Allah SWT) and stay true to the true purpose of our existance in this world.

Having studied at Tarim, she shared the beauty of palindrome, syntax, rootwords and semantic network as well as tafsir and ta'wil of Quranic Arabic (with anecdotes from her personal life, which made for a personable session).

Allow me to end this post with other good resources such as Bayyinah Institute, Masud, Project Root List :)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Islamic Education Talk
[Source courtesy of Muhammadiyah Sg]

AlhamdulilLah, had the opportunity to sit in and listen to yet another inspiring talk by Sheikh Abdul Halim Abdul Karim. The key notes covered, among many essential points, include the importance of clarity in definitions as this aspect is the foundation on which we operationalise our deeds.

In Islam, Muslims are to speak a common language, which is rightly the case, as we have our own Worldview, identity, mindset, etc. Hence to get the concepts right on the onset is wajib (compulsory) and should not be taken lightly so as to avoid confusion and misunderstanding within the Ummah.

More importantly, not to unwittingly adopt concepts and worldview of the West and apply them in Islamic education, which is the current situation we are observing in our Ummah...may Allah SWT open all doors of hidayah for educators in Islam to take the time to analyse, evaluate, discern (recall the significance of 'iqra') between what is haq (true) and what is bathil (false), insya Allah amin Allahuma amin!

Truly all 'ilm belongs to Allah 'Azza wa Jalla. As seekers of knowledge, we are to have the right adab (recall Ta'lim Muta'alim) and a solid Tauhidic paradigm, which includes Tasawwur Islam (Worldview of Islam) i.e. the ability to filter and reject teachings that do not comply with our faith before studying it in great detail the philosophy of all fields or subject matter in order of priority - Fardh Ayn then Fardh Kifayah.

Let me end the post with a hadith by RasululLah SAW, "Addabaniy Rabbi, Fa-ahsani Ta'dibiy" (My Lord educated me and make it excellent)... May Allah SWT guide us to the right and true knowledge that will benefit us in this world and in the Hereafter, insya Allah aamiin ya Rabb! :) 

Afternote: Who is our khalifah who is supposed to identify the required 'ilm in Fardh Kifayah (and if this beloved khalifah of our Ummah) is doing so? Truly, (Unto them, O Muhammad): Are those who know equal with those who know not? But only men of understanding will pay heed. [QS az-Zumar: 39: 9]

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Fiqh Muslimah

[Source courtesy of Ibnu Sina Institute, Sg]

AlhamdulilLah, we have completed Module 3 and will commence Module 4 soon, insya Allah. All Muslimah are welcomed to enrol... the course is conducted in the Malay Language :)

Friday, February 18, 2011

True Love - Reviving the Sunnah

[Source courtesy of Islamic Media, AU]

Subhan Allah. A truly beautiful sermon by Sheikh Shady Al-Suleiman that will tug at your heartstring and set your mind thinking, rather introspecting where you are in the scheme of things... Are we deserving to be called his Ummati Ummati? For the love of RasululLah SAW, may the Ummah remain united in reviving his Sunnah on a daily basis, ameen Allahuma ameen!

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Ulum al Quran

Subhan Allah, following up from Ulum al Quran and Ulum al Hadith, I'm keen to share another great resource by Ahmed Von Denffer, recommended by Ustaz Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail. May we benefit from this sharing, insya Allah ameen ya Rabbal 'Alameen :)

Afternote: AlhamdulilLah, felt so blessed to be given the opportunity to spend quality time with Ustaz Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail and his family. May Allah SWT perpetually open all doors of baraqah and rahmah to them, insya Allah ameen ya Rabbal 'Alameen.