[Source courtesy of Society for Bhagavata Culture]
AlhamdulilLahx3, was privileged to be invited to this 7 May 2011 talk and given the opportunity to observe, first-hand, how inter-faith dialogue was to be conducted by Sheikh Abdul Halim - with diplomacy, honesty, sensitivity and an open mind.
What I took away from this expreience include the need to spread the message by starting with clarity of concepts (the What from Islam's perspective), providing the opportunity for the audience to reflect on the 'So What?' to make an informed action or choice (Why Islam is 'Adeenul Haq by illustrating comparisons from Islam's Worldview and Wordlview of others... to do this, one needs in-depth inter-faith knowledge) and invite others to Islam with wisdom (the How... depending on the demographics and dynamics of the audience, the choice of words seems essential).
Upon further reflection, due to the time limitation of the talk... it seems incomplete to not mention that the key source of Authentic Knowledge and True Report is the Quran, a source Muslims rely upon given that RasululLah SAW was the Seal of Prophethood and after 124,000 prophets, Muslims still could turn to the Quran for divine guidance and the Sunnah for the way of life prescribed by RasululLah SAW. Also, a list of useful references would enable the audience to do further research about 'Adeenul Haq from the time of Prophet Adam AS to Prophet Muhammad SAW. Wallahu a'lam bissawab... Let me end this post:
"There is no compulsion in religion. The right direction is henceforth distinct from error. And he who rejecteth false deities and believeth in Allah hath grasped a firm handhold which will never break. Allah is Hearer, Knower." [QS al-Baqarah: 2: 256]
"I exist therefore I am"... sounds familiar? Due to fitrah saleema, a true 'Abd (Servant of Allah) will feel humbled when reflecting or seeking essential answers to pertinent questions - The origin of life, The source of Creations, The Sustainer, subhan Allah!
May Allah SWT protect us from attributes of Iblis (arrogance)... insya Allah amiin Allahuma amiin. May Allah SWT also protect the Ummah, who is spreading the Truth, from harm's way and bestow His hidayah upon mankind..."O Allah, show us the truth as the truth and bless us with obedience (to it) and show us falsehood as falsehood and bless us to refrain (from it) with Your Mercy, O Most Merciful" ... insya Allah aamiin ya Rabb! :)
Afterthought: Recall the concept of Aynul Qalb when reflecting on the question of consciousness :)